Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答
Q10: For what reason do people live? Only to aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss? What is the meaning of life for an ordinary person?
Answer (continuation of the answer to Q10 - 2/6)
1. Actually, most people are very greedy. For example, if you have 500 million dollars, you want to have 5 billion dollars. In terms of wealth, blessings and happiness, people wish to have the best of the best. However, there is always a limit.
In terms of health, one who is 120 years old may wish to be 150, or even 500. If you are a king, you may seek a medicine that will give you eternal life, just like the emperors in ancient China. Why?
As the master or king of the country , he may not care about the lives of his people. He believes it is fine for him to pursue unimpeded eternal blessings and happiness for himself. However, what happens at the end?
If we think about this more deeply, we know that all things are impermanent and we all must deal with other causative factors. For instance, if your health is limited, your ability to accumulate wealth and develop wisdom is also limited. How can you be happy?
(to be continued tomorrow)
1. 其實人在這世間,講得不好聽就是貪慾很重。比如發財,你發了五個億,還想五十億,總之什麼都要好得不得了。這樣你的幸福和快樂總是沒有邊,總是受到某種程度的侷限。
Namo Amituofo!