Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 19, 2023

Dec 19, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

109 Even (continued)

There are multiple meanings of “even”:

1. It doesn’t matter if a dying person is a - man, woman, young, old, monastic, householder, good, evil, in the present life, near the end-of-life, in the Bardo state, or even in the Three Wretched Realms.

2. Regardless of the time of death - any time of day or night

3. Regardless of the location of death - whether it is clean, dirty, a Buddhist hall, bedroom, or washroom. The location of one’s death is unpredictable; but, Amitabha’s light shines in the ten directions.

4. Regardless of the activity at the time of death - walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, during all work situations.

5. Regardless of one’s state of mind - wholesome, unwholesome, concentrated, distracted, pure, or contaminated. 6. Regardless of the number of recitations - many or few, all the way till the end-of-life. Recite whenever you wish. Recite without forsaking.

109 乃至


一. 不論何人—— 男女、老幼、僧俗、善惡、平生、臨終、中陰身、三惡道。

二. 不論何時——二六時中。

三. 不論何處—— 佛堂、房間、浴廁,不論淨穢之地。光照十方,難擇死地。

四. 不論何事—— 士農工商、行住坐臥、一切諸緣。 事緣本無礙,若礙當遠之。

五. 不論心境—— 善心惡心、定心散心、清淨心、污穢心。

六. 不論何數—— 從多向少,從少向多,徹至臨終。 出口就念,想到就念,念念不捨。

Namo Amituofo!