Monday, December 4, 2023

December 3, 2023

Dec 3, 2023
Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答

Q10: For what reason do people live? Only to aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss? What is the meaning of life for an ordinary person?

Answer: (continuation of the answer to Q10 - 4/6)
2. A Buddha is a self-enlightened being, and is capable of enlightening others through his perfect and complete practices.“Self-enlightened” means possessing perfect and complete wisdom. “Enlightening others” means to cut off their afflictions , and help them to reach a state of ultimate perfection and happiness.
Buddhism talks about Nirvana with pure self-nature. It is characterized by permanence, bliss, and the enlightened self(which is no - self and purity). A Buddha’s life and light are infinite and he has a thorough understanding of life and the universe. If you have doubts in life and the universe, will you be happy? If you don’t know or understand your purpose in this life, you cannot be happy.
All human beings have the capacity to pursue blessings and happiness. If we wish to fully accomplish this, we have to become a Buddha, who reaches the ultimate state of infinite light and infinite life.
As an ordinary being, it is not easy to reach that goal through our own power. For this reason, we choose to rely upon Amitabha Buddha’s Other-Power, and aspire to be reborn in his Land of Bliss in the West, which is a land of Nirvana.
In this world we exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name of infinite light and infinite life, in order to totally unite with and fulfill our purpose in life. Some people may think they can achieve enlightenment through the Buddha’s teachings of the Sacred Path, and it is not necessary to aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
2. 佛是自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿。自我覺悟,智慧圓滿,煩惱斷除;覺悟他人,斷除他人的煩惱,幫助他人達到究竟圓滿的境地,他就獲得了究竟圓滿的幸福與快樂。

Namo Amituofo!