Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答
Q15 “Letting go” is not “Giving up”. How can we let go in our lives?
Buddhist teachings always talk about letting go of all karmic conditions. Does this mean we should give up our worldly obligations, such as making a living and raising our children?
Answer to Q15:
This is a common question. Letting go is not an excuse for giving up one’s responsibilities or facing personal challenges. That is certainly not what the Buddha taught.
It is difficult for ordinary beings like us to fully let go in the midst of normal human activities. Hence, we should not focus on how to let go.
If we use the analogy of a mirror, it reflects the image of whatever is in front of it: man,woman, adult, child, dog, or cat. This is the meaning of “letting go”. A mirror doesn’t care what object is in front of it. It will not reject anything that comes in front of it or stop anything from going away. The mirror is always in the state of “letting go”.
What is “giving up”? It is when the mirror insists on reflecting only those things it prefers. If other things appear, they destroy the mirror, cover it, or paint over it. That is “giving
It is difficult for our minds to be the mirror in the former scenario - not rejecting anything that comes in front of it, or stopping anything from going away. We humans always have emotions that complicate matters and may cause us to give up easily.
(to be continued tomorrow)
佛法講“萬緣放下”,放下難道就可以什麼都不管了嗎?比如撫養孩子方面的,做父母的不 用掙錢來撫養孩子嗎?如果這樣的話,我個人認為那不是放下,而是把孩子給放棄了。請問
淨宗之聲:這個問題其實在佛門當中倒蠻普遍的。有很多人就是在搞放棄,然後美其名曰 “放下”;就是逃跑、逃避、不負責任。學佛學出病了,不是真正的佛法所講的。當然真正要放下,我們凡夫是很難做到的,我們總會有牽掛,所以我們的著力點倒不是怎樣做到放下。
Namo Amituofo!