Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 24, 2024

Jan 24, 2024
Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答

Q16: After studying Buddhism, I became a pessimistic misanthrope. I feel there is no meaning to life, and want to be reborn earlier. But, I also believe I can’t.
Perhaps, I am too young? Does this mean that I have too few blessings and rewards? Are blessings and rewards related to rebirth? Is my attitude correct?
Your attitude is not correct. You do not have sufficient blessings and rewards, and your wisdom is not fully developed. However, the most important thing is that your faith needs to evolve. As a result, you misunderstand the Buddhist teachings.
This makes your direction and your actions incorrect, and you fail to attain what you desire. Through your suffering you may also cause others to misunderstand Buddhism .
The correct way is: You should try to not be a pessimistic misanthrope; but, try to be more optimistic . The Buddha never taught that life is meaningless; but, when understood correctly, can be very rich, perfect, and complete. We shouldn’t seek earlier rebirth for our own sake; but, for the sake of other beings, to aid them to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land. Because you are young, you have your entire life ahead of you; so, you should try to be more optimistic and dedicated to leading your best life.


Namo Amituofo!