Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答
(continuation of the answer to Q16 - 3/6)
Those who mix the Pure Land teaching with the Path of Importance may develop a pessimistic attitude, because they are not confident in attaining rebirth in the Pure Land. They may believe they need to accumulate adequate good karma, to assist their Amitabha-recitation, in order to attain rebirth.
However, an exclusive Amitabha-reciter knows that every single recitation is all they need to achieve rebirth in the present lifetime. Because he relies on the Power of Amitabha’s vow, his rebirth is assured right now! It is NOT necessary for him to wait till the end-of-life. With this mind of faith , he continues to live in the mundane world and feels more safe and optimistic. He is more willing and able to help and benefit others.
在淨土當中,既有要門行者、雜行之人,也有弘願專修念佛之人。雜行之人, 心有不安,還不知道往生功夫達到沒到,還不知道功德資糧夠不夠,很可能 採取消極避世的態度,“我自己要成就念佛功夫,我要積累資糧”,或者“我要自己好好修行,保證臨終的一念”,這也有一種說法。
Namo Amituofo!