Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land Teachings
2. Six Metaphors Regarding the Priority of Rescuing Those who Suffer through Amitabha’s Great Compassion
The Pure Land Teaching focuses on the deliverance of sentient beings by Amitabha Buddha. Because of this, the level of proficiency of practitioners, the quantity of their blessings, and their capacity for severing afflictions are not involved. Amitabha’s Infinite Compassion is primarily focused on saving sentient beings who suffer in the sea of birth-and-death.The Buddha constantly calls out to them saying: “All sentient beings in the various realms of reincarnation, I invite you to come to my land and live in infinite
The compassionate mind of Amitabha Buddha is continually focused on rescuing all sentient beings. However, he most deeply empathizes with sentient beings in Avici Hell because they suffer most. This is a perfect example of the kindness that fills the Buddha’s heart. So the passage says,
“My compassionate heart is always reaching out to save sentient beings from suffering, especially those in Avici Hell.”
In his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra Master Shandao says, “The great compassionate Amitabha Buddha takes pity on those who suffer in the cycle of birth-and-death, and he urges them to return to his Pure Land.”
A Buddha’s mind sees all beings as equal. However, because ordinary beings commit such a large variety of offenses, they are oppressed by an endless array of sufferings in the Three Domains. If they are not rescued, they will continue to suffer unceasingly in the cycle of birth-and-death.
This passage reveals the great kindness and compassion of all Buddhas. Amitabha Buddha especially targets iniquitous sentient beings, and made his 48 vows while in his causal ground. He says, “I made a transcendental vow” in order to save iniquitous sentient beings first.
The following metaphors are written to illustrate examples of those who were rescued during an emergency by Amitabha’s great compassion.
2. 彌陀大悲,急救苦者之妙喻六則- 淨宗法師
淨土法門是阿彌陀佛救度之門,不在眾生功夫深淺,無關罪福多少,亦不求斷煩惱,且彌陀大悲,心偏常沒眾生。故現是罪惡生死凡夫,正是彌陀救度之機。佛在經中懇切呼喚: 輪迴諸趣眾生類,速生我剎受安樂阿彌陀佛慈悲之心,綿綿不絕,救拔一切有情眾生。然先憶阿鼻地獄最苦眾生,佛心如此。故曰:常運慈心拔有情,度盡阿鼻苦眾生。
Namo Amituofo!