Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land Teachings
Metaphor 2B: Saving the Drowning Kid First
During a flood, a man saw that his three sons had fallen into the water. The eldest son learned to swim from his father and enjoyed playing in the water. The second son didn’t learn as well, and had difficulty handling big waves. However, he was able to hold onto a piece of wood so that he could float in the water and was not in danger. The youngest son was too lazy to learn to swim at all and his head was bobbing up and down in the flooding water.
He called out for help because he knew his life was in danger. The father, who was on the shore, knew he must save his youngest son first, even though he was in danger due to his own laziness.
The three sons represent three kinds of people with different aptitudes and capacities. The eldest son is a wise person with superior virtuous roots. He can learn and practice the Buddha’s teachings and fight against afflictions(waves) if they come.
The second son is a person with mid-level virtuous roots. Though he is unable to adequately contemplate and eliminate his afflictions, he can abide by the Five Precepts and practice the Ten Wholesome Deeds (the piece of wood) without falling into the Three Wretched Realms.
The youngest son is an ignorant person with inferior virtuous roots. He cannot practice the Three Learnings and fails to cut off the Three Poisons. He has difficulty in practicing the Five Precepts and the Ten Wholesome Deeds. He commits karmic offenses and sinks into the water when the waves come. He can only cry out and ask for help. From the West Amitabha Buddha, the compassionate father, must come to save and deliver suffering sentient beings. They don’t need to wonder whether they are worthy of saving because of their heavy karmic offenses. It is the original intent of their compassionate father.
2B. 彌陀大悲,急救苦者- 先救小兒喻
三子如眾生三種根機:長子為上根利智之人,煩惱一起來,能依世尊教法如實修行,對治煩惱(風浪),能夠搏擊;二子中根之人,雖不能觀照煩惱、止息煩惱,但能夠修持五戒十善(木頭),不至墮於三惡道; 小兒指下根劣智眾生,既不能修戒定慧、斷貪瞋癡,亦難行五戒十善,且造罪造業,無量罪業,風浪一來,便沉沒其中,只能呼救。
Namo Amituofo!