Wednesday, February 7, 2024

February 6, 2024

Feb 6, 2024
Wonderful Metphors in the Pure Land School

Amitabha-Recitation and False Thoughts
2. Analogy of Pedestrians on the Street

Amitabha-reciters shouldn’t allow themselves to be bothered by their scattered thoughts. What is meant by “don’t be bothered”? Some people say, “these thoughts come by themselves.” OK, let them come if they come. Don’t worry about them. The more you are bothered by them, the more they come. Don’t try to stop them from coming. Just let them come and let them go. This is what is meant by “don’t bother”.

This is similar to seeing many people walking along a street. Do they bother you? They are of different ages, genders, wealth, personalities, and aptitudes. Is it necessary for you to give up your work in order to watch them? Do you pay too much attention to others, and totally forget what you have to do? When you are reminded of this incident, you feel annoyed, and say, “these people are always walking here and there along the street. Because of them I cannot concentrate ”. Does that make sense?

It’s similar to reciting Amitabha’s Name. While we are doing it, many random thoughts pop up in our minds. They simply mind their own business and have nothing to do with us? Amitabha-recitation is the karma of assurance (the host) and random thoughts are like the pedestrians (guests). We don’t need to watch them or be bothered by them.

Once we are mindful of reciting Amitabha’s Name, hundreds and thousands of random thoughts can be totally ignored. It is just like being in a room and focused on our work. We can ignore the people outside, who then seem to be non-existent.

So, there is one effective way to deal with false thoughts - focus on reciting Amitabha’s Name and ignore them.

2.念佛與妄想 - 大街行人喻


什麼叫不要管呢?有人說:「我不管它,可是它自己來了。」來了就來了,來了就不管它。你管它,它才來。你不管它,並不是叫它不要來。來就來了,去就去了 —— 這叫不要管它。





Namo Amituofo!