Wonderful Metaphors used in the Pure Land Teachings
3. Eight Wonderful Metaphors revealing Amitabha’s Unconditional Deliverance (continued)
Amitabha Buddha is our savior, the source of our true peace, joy, and hope. All activities within the mundane world are tinged with suffering; but, in the arms of the Buddha, we will find lasting peace.
Amitabha’s love is completely unconditional and so is his rescue. He vows to save all willing sentient beings of the ten directions, without leaving out a single one. The Buddha yearns for the rebirth of all sentient beings into his Land of Bliss, and does not wish to see a single being abandoned in the Saha world. If you aspire to gain rebirth in the Pure Land and recite Amitabha’s name for the remainder of your life, you are already saved by the Buddha and your rebirth is assured. You are no longer an ordinary being subject to endless reincarnations; but, are a member of the sacred assembly in the Land of Bliss.
As Master Yinguang says, “If we can set our minds firmly on liberation from the cycle of life and death, and fully believe (in this teaching) , though we still live in the Saha World, we are its long-term residents no more. Even though we haven’t yet been born in the Land of Bliss, we are already its guests.”
Please visit this site again for more metaphors that illustrate Amitabha’s unconditional deliverance of sentient beings, and the assured attainment of Buddhahood through reciting the Buddha’s name.
3. 佛無條件救度之妙喻8則 (續)
彌陀愛心徹底,而且無條件; 彌陀救度徹底,也是無條件。彌陀願救十方眾生,無有眾生不加救度;彌陀深願十方眾生都往生極樂,不願一人獨留娑婆。
Namo Amituofo!