Thursday, March 14, 2024

March 12, 2024

Mar 12, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

117 Buddha (continued)
According to the commentaries above, Vasubandhu divided the Buddha’s immeasurable merit and virtues into three kinds - wisdom, severance, and grace. A Buddha is capable of knowing all things and understanding all principles. These are virtues of wisdom. A Buddha is capable of severing all bindings and realizing ultimate emancipation without any obstructions. This virtue is called severance. A Buddha is capable of delivering sentient beings unceasingly with his great kindness and compassion.This virtue is called grace.
However, the Hinayana Schools only believe in Shakyamuni Buddha and deny the existence of other Buddhas. Mahayana advocates the coexistence of many Buddhas, and believes there are an immeasurable number of Buddhas in the infinite Dharma realms. All sentient beings have the Buddha-Nature, and many of them have already become fully enlightened Buddhas throughout many eons.
In this respect, Mahayana further divides the status and identity of a Buddha as follows: twofold body - Dharma body and physical body, threefold body - Dharma body, reward body, and manifested body, and even fourfold body - self-nature body, self-enjoyment body, other-enjoyment body and manifested body, etc.. Generally, most Mahayana schools accept the concept of the threefold body.

117 佛

Namo Amituofo!