Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 17, 2024

Mar 17, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

3G. Amitabha-Recitation is Like a Sunrise

When the sun rises, its light dispels the darkness in the ten directions. When the moon emerges, it is mirrored in all the waters of the Dharma Realm. It is simple and natural that darkness disappears with the sunrise, and lunar reflections appear in various bodies of water when the moon rises. Therefore, one can look at the daybreak without worrying about the gloominess before dawn. Likewise, when we know that Amitabha has

already attained Buddhahood, we need not doubt our rebirth in his Pure Land.

Rising in the east, the sun shines on everything, embracing without discrimination, mountains and plains, men of virtue and vice. The sunlight, being unbiased and all-illuminating, brings us brightness, warmth and hope.

The blanket of darkness that covers the earth, however thick it is, vanishes immediately when the sun comes out. All the bodies of water on our planet, whether vast or small, reflect the moon on their surfaces when the lunar body appears on high. These phenomena occur naturally and without fabrication. Darkness disappears instantaneously at sunrise and the lunar image immediately appears on the water at moonrise.

It is the same when practicing Amitabha-recitation. When we recite the name of Amitabha Buddha, we are guaranteed to attain Buddhahood, whether we are good or evil, and regardless of our aptitudes, abilities to practice, or how long we have been practicing. Our enlightenment is a natural result in accordance with the power of Amitabha Buddha’s vow.

3G. 佛無條件救度妙喻之 - 日出喻


陽光無私,普照一切,帶來光明、溫暖、希望。太陽一出,大地之暗,不論深暗淺暗,即時一片晴朗。月亮一出,大地之水,不論大水 小水,即時顯現月影。日出暗轉晴,月出影宿水,這都是同時的,不用再等幾分幾秒,也不須費力,不須造作,此乃天性自然之理。

念佛即成佛,無論善惡,不簡根機,不在時節久近,亦是順佛願力, 自然成就。

Namo Amituofo!