Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land Teachings
Metaphor 3B. Reciting Amitabha’s Name is Like Addressing Someone
Reciting Amitabha’s name is like addressing someone. When we call any Tom, Dick or Harry by his name, that person will respond at once. So, it goes without saying that the Buddha will do the same. Amitabha has great compassion and wisdom. The supernatural power and the strength of his Fundamental Vow are immeasurable. It is simply impossible that Amitabha Buddha will not respond to us when we recite his name.
The resonance of Amitabha-recitation is like the ringing of a bell every time it is struck. The instant we recite his name Amitabha Buddha answers. Conversely, if we don’t practice Amitabha-recitation, we can’t expect any response from the Buddha. Over countless eons, Amitabha cultivated the most ascetic bodhisattva practices for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Since attaining Buddhahood ten eons ago, Amitabha has been imploring us to aspire to quickly be reborn in his Land of Bliss. To recite Amitabha’s name is to respond to the Buddha’s calling. It also demonstrates our acceptance of Amitabha’s offer. Through the strength of his six-character name, Amitabha appeals to sentient beings, “My children, come home soon!” Holding fast to the Buddha’s name, Amitabha-reciters reply, “My compassionate father, I will gladly come!”
3B. 佛無條件救度妙喻之 - 喚人喻
念佛如喚某某人,我們呼喚張三,張三即應;喚李四,李四即來。何況是佛,大慈大悲,大智大慧,大神通大願力,念佛怎會不感應?念佛感應,亦如叩鐘,一念即應,不念不應。而且無始劫來,彌陀為眾生苦修,成佛以來,亦長劫呼喚,期盼十方眾生,早日歸極樂。我們念佛即是回應彌陀的呼喚,亦是歸家的承諾。彌陀以名號呼喚眾生:孩子,汝快歸來! 眾生念名號回應彌陀:慈父,我速歸家!
Namo Amituofo!