Wonderful Metaphors used in the Pure Land School
5. Eight Metaphors explaining that Rebirth in the Pure Land is Amitabha’s
Doing, Not Ours (continued)
5D. The Metaphor of Making a Long Journey by Car
It is like traveling by car between cities in China, say from Changchun in Jilin Province to the Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It would be unimaginable for people to make this journey of nearly 4000 kilometers on foot! However, if they ride in a vehicle, all those on board will arrive at the destination in the same easy way, whether the passenger is a lame old woman or a marathon champion. This is due to the power of the vehicle, not the effort of individual passengers.The same law applies to our rebirth in the Pure Land, which is too profound and inconceivable for ordinary beings to attain on their own.
5D. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 遠途乘車喻
就好像我們坐車,從長春到烏魯木齊,這麼遠的距離,如果靠我們走路,那就 不能論了!這靠走路很難到達。如果坐車,跛腳老太婆和馬拉松冠軍平等到達,因為都是靠車的力量,所以不論。往生極樂世界也是如此,目標太高遠了,從凡夫這邊無法論。
Namo Amituofo!