Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 26, 2024

Apr 26, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

5H The Metaphor of Carrying a Heavy Rock Across the Sea

A grain of sand is light; yet, when placed in water, it sinks straight to the bottom. A piece of rock is heavy ; but, when it is put on a ship, it can be carried across the sea.

A grain of sand and a heavy rock will both sink if dropped into the sea. However, they can both reach the other shore. Their weight plays no part. It is not because the light grain of sand will float, or the heavy rock will necessarily go down to the bottom. If carried by boat, they can equally cross the sea and reach the other side.

By the same token, whether we can be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss has nothing to do with the seriousness of our karmic offenses. Even if our karmic affliction is as fine as a strand of hair, unless we board the ship of Amitabha’s great vow, we are doomed to sink to the bottom of the sea of birth-and-death. On the other hand, even if the karmic obstacles we are shouldering are as burdensome as a giant rock weighing ten thousand pounds, there is still a way for us to avoid the wretched realms. By reciting the six-character name (“Namo Amitabha Buddha”), our rebirth in the Land of Bliss is assured.

No matter how light a grain of sand is, it cannot stay on top of the sea unless it is being carried by a boat. This is like a person who practices without relying on Amitabha Buddha. He cannot eradicate all of his karmic afflictions and find a way to liberate himself from the cycle of reincarnation on his own. He can only do so if he is rescued by Amitabha Buddha.

However heavy a rock may be, when put on a ship it is destined to reach the other shore. The same law applies to ordinary beings who suffer from heavy karmic obstacles. Once you board the ship of Amitabha’s vow power by reciting “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, you are certain to avoid falling into the three wretched realms. You will ultimately achieve Buddhahood through rebirth in the Western Land of Pure Bliss.

5H. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 重石過海喻




Namo Amituofo!