Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
119 Namo Amituofo (continued)
“Amituo”should have originally been translated as “infinite”. Thetranslation of the name Amitabha originates with this phrase - “For what reason, Shariputra, do you think that Buddha is called 'Amitabha? Shariputra, that Buddha's light shines boundlessly and without hindrance over all the worlds of the ten quarters. It is for this reason that he is called Amitabha. “To continue Shariputra, the lives of the Buddha and the people of his land last for immeasurable, unlimited and incalculable kalpas. It is for this reason that the Buddha is called Amitayus.”
Thus, we know it is because his light and life are immeasurable that the Buddha in the Land of Bliss is known as “infinite”. Based on the definition above, “Amituo” can be translated as “infinite light and life”.
Nevertheless, sentient beings are generally more concerned about the length of their lives; so, ever since, “Amituo '' was translated as “Infinite Life”, or called Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Life. Master Shandao says in his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra that “A” means “In”, “Mi” means “finite”, and “Tuo” means “Life. Putting the three syllables together, “Amituo” is translated as “Infinite Life”. Master Honen agrees with Master Shandao’s translation.
119 南無阿彌陀佛 (續)
Namo Amituofo!