Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益
Q5: Manjusri Bodhisattva is foremost in wisdom. If I practice Amitabha-recitation, must I also recite Manjusri Bodhisattva’s Name to ask for wisdom so that I may do better in my studies and examinations? Is that correct?
Answer: That is not necessary. Manjusri represents wisdom, and he is the foremost in wisdom among all of the Buddha’s bodhisattva disciples. However, his wisdom cannot be compared with that of a Buddha. The Sutra says, Amitabha Buddha’s light of wisdom is far greater than any other Buddhas. So, if you are seeking wisdom, you need only recite Namo Amituofo! There are many accounts of this occurring.
5 問:文殊菩薩智慧第一。雖修念佛,求智慧增長、考學順利必須念文殊菩薩,對嗎?
答:不必!文殊表智,在菩薩眾弟子中號稱智慧第一,但畢竟與佛不能相比。如經中說,阿彌陀佛的智慧光明,連十方諸佛都不能及,何況菩薩弟子,更不能相提並論。所以, 求智慧也專念阿彌陀佛。《念佛感應錄》第三集第93頁「念佛開慧 求考如意」,即是實證。
Namo Amituofo!