Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School
The Entirety Versus the Parts of a House
When we use the term the “Grand Hall of Amitabha,” these four words are intended as a general term to include all the parts in the building: the beams, poles, walls, windows, door, gate, and the Buddha statues that are both inside and outside of the Hall. However, if we mention only one part of the structure, all the other parts will be left out. For example, a reference only to the poles by no means includes the gate; and a mention only of the gate means just that, and not windows. On the contrary, when we refer to the “Grand Hall of Amitabha,” that reference covers the entire building with all of its parts.
The six-character name “Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo” is an all-encompassing term, covering the entirety of Amitabha Buddha’s merits and virtues, just like the name - the Grand Hall of Amitabha. If we recite only a particular sutra or mantra, or practice only a certain Dharma path, we only accrue partial merits and virtues for the purpose of attaining enlightenment. This is analogous to having just the gate, windows, bricks, or tiles of the Hall, rather than the whole structure.
When we focus on upholding the Five Precepts, we accumulate the merits of the Five Precepts only, and no additional virtues from undertaking the Bhikkhu Precepts will be included. If we concentrate on the Bhikkhu Precepts, what we gain is just the benefit of that particular practice, and we cannot expect to gain the merit from practicing the Bodhisattva Precepts.
The same applies to sutra recitation——the merits of reading one sutra only contains that sutra’s merits. However, when we recite the Buddha’s name (“Namo Amitabha Buddha”), a myriad of merits and virtues from reciting all sutras and mantras, and cultivating all precepts, meditations and wisdom are automatically included.
6D. 念佛即是多善根妙喻之四 - 房屋對門窗喻
比如我們講「彌陀寶殿」四個字,大殿裏外的佛像、柱子、門、 窗、牆、屋樑......通通包括在內。可是,如果單講柱子,就不能包括門;講門,就不能包括窗。隨便說哪一種,都是挂一漏萬;說彌陀寶殿就一含一切,總體包括了。
「南無阿彌陀佛」六個字是總功德,就好像「彌陀寶殿」是總稱一 樣。如果我們只是去讀某一部經,誦某一個咒,修某一個法,就好像門、窗、磚、瓦,只是部分的功德,不是整體的功德。
我們修行五戒,有五戒的功德, 可是沒有比丘戒的功德;修比丘戒,有比丘戒的功德,但是沒有菩薩戒的功德;誦這部經,有這部經的功德,但是沒有那部經的功德。如果我們念南無阿彌陀佛,一切經,一切咒,一切戒、定、慧的功德都包括在內。
Namo Amituofo!