Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 1, 2024

Jun 1, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益

8. Question: If we have karmic obstructions near the end-of-life, such as enemies and creditors coming to hound us, we should recite the Ksitigarbha Sutra first, as his name can clear karmic obstructions. Then we should further recite Amitabha Buddha’s Name to seek rebirth. Is this correct?
Answer: No, that is incorrect! The end-of-life is a critical moment for people to either ascend or descend in terms of rebirth. No other Buddhas’ or Bodhisattvas’ names are as effective as that of Amitabha Buddha in terms of rescuing a dying person. It is most effective in rescuing them from suffering, clearing their karmic offenses, and receiving them to be reborn at the same time.
The Contemplation Sutra says: By hearing the Tripitaka and the Twelve Divisions of Shakyamuni’s teachings, karmic offenses accumulated in the past thousand years are cleared; but, that is not nearly enough to attain rebirth. However, by reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha one time,the karmic offenses accumulated in the past five billion years are cleared, and one directly attains rebirth in the Pure Land.
So, reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha just one time is much better than reciting such Mahayana Sutras as the Ksitigarbha Sutra or the Diamond Sutra several thousand times.

8 問:人之臨終往往業障現前,怨家債主競來牽逼。必須先念《地藏經》、地藏菩薩名號消除業障,再念阿彌陀佛求往生,對嗎?

Namo Amituofo!