Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益
9. Question: Skanda Bodhisattva is specially responsible for protecting the Dharma. Even though we practice Amitabha-recitation, we should recite the Dharma and make offerings to Skanda Bodhisattva; so that we can have his assistance in our cultivation and fewer karmic obstructions. Is this correct?
Answer: It is Not necessary! For those who make offerings to Amitabha, exclusively recite his Name, and aspire to be reborn in his Pure Land; Amitabha Buddha always dwells above their heads, Guanyin and Shizi always follow them like shadows, and all of the other Buddhas constantly protect them. Moreover, twenty-five bodhisattvas come and embrace them everywhere at all times, and countless manifested buddhas and bodhisattvas encircle them day and night.
All of the deities and gods think of them reverentially. No demons or ghosts can take advantage of them or hurt them, and all of their calamities will naturally disappear . Skanda Bodhisattva will come, together with all other bodhisattvas, to protect and support them even though he may not be invited. Please read the accounts related to the above question, which are recorded in the Third Collection of accounts on the benefits of Amitabha-Recitation.
9 問:韋馱菩薩專職護法。雖修念佛,欲求修行得護助、少障緣,必須供念韋馱菩薩,對嗎?
所有天神地祇,也都恭敬愛念。一切惡鬼惡神不得其便,一切厄難災障自然消散。韋馱菩薩亦必隨諸菩薩,不請自來,前來護持。《念佛感應錄》第三集第107頁「現代女鬼 真實故事」,及〈佛名具德〉、〈念佛退鬼〉中各篇相關內容,都是事證。
Namo Amituofo!