June 17, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益
Question: The Buddha taught us that the holy mantras of buddhas and bodhisattvas have great power. I practice Amitabha-recitation regularly. Is it necessary for me to also focus on and recite those mantras when I want to subdue devious demons?
Answer: No, it is not necessary! The exclusive recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha(Namo Amituofo)is the King of all mantras. By reciting Namo Amituofo one gains the effects of all mantras. When we exclusively recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha and all the other Buddhas, Guanyin, Shizhi and all the other bodhisattvas completely protect us. Even though
we do not recite the other mantras, none of those devious demons can hurt us. Please read the accounts related to the above question, which are recorded in the Third Collection of accounts of the benefits of Amitabha-Recitation.
10 問:諸佛菩薩神咒,有大神力。雖修念佛,欲求去邪鎮魔,必須持念神咒,對嗎?
答:不必!一句彌陀,咒中之王,一切神咒可以達到的功效,念阿彌陀佛名號都能得到。專修念佛之人,蒙彌陀、諸佛、觀音、勢至、諸大菩薩直接護念,雖不持咒,一切外邪魔難自然不侵。如《念佛感應錄》第三集第11頁「六字佛牌 放光退鬼」、第15頁「六字佛牌 退附體貓」以及〈念佛退鬼〉各篇,都是實證。
Namo Amituofo!