Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 19, 2024

Jun.19, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Dedication of Amitabha’s Other-Power

The Pure Land School specially establishes the teaching of the dedication of Amitabha’s Other-Power. It is unique among the Buddha’s teachings and isn't mentioned in any of the other Buddhist schools. “ The dedication of Amitabha’s Other-Power” is taught to explain the cause and effect of rebirth for sentient beings in Amitabha’s Pure Land, which is bestowed by Amitabha Buddha.

Basically, all Buddhas make Four Great Vows, including the first one - “ the number of sentient beings is boundless , I vow to deliver them all.” However, the deliverance of most Buddhas is limited to speaking the Dharma in order to guide their followers to cultivate; but, they cannot dedicate their “Buddha-power” to facilitate their deliverance.

The 18th Vow of Amitabha is different from the vows of all other Buddhas, because he accomplishes their deliverance through dedication of his “Other-Power”. This demonstrates that the deliverance of other Buddhas is not as complete as that of Amitabha.
As it is said in Amitabha’s 18th Vow, “ when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten quarters who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name even ten times should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.” Thus, Amitabha Buddha has vowed to bear all of the responsibilities for the rebirth of sentient beings.

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Namo Amituofo!