Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 20, 2024

Jun.20, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Dedication of Other-Power (continued)

Amitabha Buddha further reiterated his 18th Vow in “the Verse of Heavy Vows.”
“If I should not become a great benefactor,
In lives to come for immeasurable kalpas,
To save the poor and the afflicted everywhere,
May I not attain perfect Enlightenment. “
“Immeasurable kalpas’ refers to infinite future eons after he becomes a Buddha.
“The poor and the afflicted” refer to ignorant sentient beings who cannot accumulate adequate wisdom and blessings to cease reincarnating within the Six Realms, and suffer unceasingly on the dangerous paths of birth-and-death.
Master Yongming said, “Poverty refers to all sentient beings who lack the wealth of the Dharma.” So, from a Buddhist perspective, poverty means lacking the capacity to become a Buddha.
Thus, Amitabha Buddha who made great vows while in his causal ground, wished to become a great benefactor after becoming a Buddha, so that he can relieve and deliver “poor” sentient beings. He aims to deliver those who are drowning in the sea of birth-and-death and entangled in afflictions, because they have insufficient Dharma wealth to become Buddhas. Amitabha Buddha shares his wealth with them, so that they can leave the deep sea of suffering, and attain rebirth in the Pure Land of infinite peace and joy.

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Namo Amituofo!