Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 22, 2024

Jun. 22, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Two Rivers and A White Path
The meaning of this parable is explained as follows:
“East bank” refers to the Saha World in which we live. It is a wretched and dangerous place, like a burning house. “West bank” refers to the Western Land of Bliss. It is a pristine pure land adorned with precious jewels and treasures.
“A horde of vicious ruffians and wild beasts, pretending to be friendly and kind (to the traveler),” refers to the six senses, the six kinds of consciousness, the six kinds of objects desired by our senses, the five aggregates and the four elements of sentient beings.
“Pretending” here means cheating, being hypocritical. Those “who pretend to be friendly and kind” refers to people who show goodwill in a pretentiously caring and considerate manner; but, who really want to cause harm to others.
“A wasteland where there is no one to be found” refers to the traveler wandering in the wilderness alone, only attracting evil beings who are disguised as good companions. The traveler lacks the good fortune to meet virtuous advisors.
What do the “two rivers - of water and fire” represent? Water stands for our cravings based on greed; and fire, our afflictions caused by anger and hatred. “A white path (about four or five inches wide) between the water and fire” contrasts our weak abilities to realize the mind which aspires to be reborn in the Pure Land. Our strong attachments and hatred are unfathomably deep and boundless, just like the two rivers stretching without end to the north and south.
Our kindness and aspiration to be reborn in the Pure Land come from our fleeting and faint glimpses of the pure mind. On the rare occasions when it is revealed, it cannot rival the colossal magnitude of our greed, anger, and hatred. That is why the white path is described as very narrow - only four or five inches wide.
Analogous to surging waves that splash against one side of the white path, our cravings are constantly present, and they contaminate and ruin our compassion. Therefore, despite the good deeds we try to practice, our virtues are constantly poisoned. Similarly, like blazing flames that relentlessly scorch the other side of the white path, our hatred and anger can easily destroy the Dharma storehouse of our merits and virtues.

二河白道喻 (續)


Namo Amituofo!