Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 23, 2024

Jun.23, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Two Rivers and A White Path (continued)
The reference to a traveler walking on the white path, single-mindedly and heading straight to the west, is also a metaphor. It shows that the man resolves “to dedicate his merits and virtues from assorted practices”. According to the Contemplation Sutra, this means dedicating all the merits from the three meritorious practices and “going all the way towards the west”, i.e., the Western Pure Land of Bliss.
The man hears someone on the east bank calling out to him, “Oh traveler! Just follow the white path toward the west.” The voice urging him is Shakyamuni Buddha’s. Why is it that we only hear Shakyamuni Buddha’s voice but cannot see him? This is because Shakyamuni Buddha has long ago entered nirvana, leaving behind his teachings, as symbolized by his voice.
Hearing someone exhorting him on the east bank and another one imploring from the west bank, the traveler resolves to follow the white path. However, hardly has he taken a few steps when someone else shouts out to him, “My friend, come back! That way is too dangerous. You won’t make it alive!” This is an allegory regarding those who have different understandings, practices, and wrong views.
They confuse and distract themselves and others with their false teachings and opinions. As a result, the great benefit of rebirth in the Land of Bliss is lost. They even fall into retrogression by committing evil deeds.
The voice from the west bank imploring. “O Traveler! Come straight here at once with single-mindedness and right attention” refers to Amitabha’s vows.
Metaphorically, it is the Buddha’s assurance to Amitabha-reciters - “Rely on the power of my vows and I will protect you! You need not fear the water of greed or the fire of anger and hatred.”
The traveler arrives at the west bank in no time and joyfully meets virtuous friends. What does that mean? It describes the true nature of our existence. We ordinary beings have been trapped in the endless cycle of birth and death since time immemorial. We are confused and deluded, entangled in retributions for karmic offenses, with no hope of liberation.
Shakyamuni Buddha urges us on the east bank, “You must aspire to be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss!” Meanwhile, Amitabha Buddha beckons from the other shore for our return home.
Let us have faith in Shakyamuni Buddha and heed his exhortation. Let us have faith in Amitabha Buddha and answer his call for us to come home. It is the fundamental intent of Shakyamuni Buddha and the Fundamental Vow of Amitabha Buddha that we be liberated from Samsara.
No matter how intense and debilitating our greed, anger and hatred are, they will be eliminated by holding fast to the practice of Amitabha-recitation. Just focus on it single-mindedly and follow the white path, the path that is born through the power of Amitabha’ vows.
Our life in this world is very short. It will be over in a flash. We will then be reborn in the Pure Land of Bliss and reunited with Amitabha Buddha. How wonderful and happy we will be!

二河白道喻 (續)

Namo Amituofo!