Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 27, 2024

June 27, 2024
A Verse sharing Compassionate Advice and Cautions - quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao
Because they taught me how to attain rebirth in the Pure Land, I feel deep gratitude to my teachers. I recite Amitabha’s Name in order to repay the gift of their kindness.
I especially feel deep gratitude to Shakyamuni Buddha, who is my good advisor; and, I am more than happy to offer my gratitude to him for teaching me to be humble.
I am thankful for Shakyamuni’s grace and boundless compassion which taught me to be humble; so, I prostrate before him.
I have praised the Buddha for a long time in order to repay his kindness; and, I will continue to be thankful for his kindness for many eons.
My gratitude for Amitabha Buddha’s compassion comes from the deepest levels of my mind; and, I always try to be aware of his compassionate presence just above my head.
得生淨土報師恩 相續念佛報慈恩
特蒙知識釋迦恩 唯知慚賀釋迦恩
碎身慚謝釋迦恩 碎身慚謝報慈恩
長劫讚佛報慈恩 長時長劫報慈恩
報佛慈恩心無盡 念報慈恩常頂戴
Namo Amituofo!