Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Two Kinds of Dedications

“Dedication” refers to the way Amitabha Buddha shares his Name (accomplished in his Fundamental Vow) with sentient beings in the ten directions. He allows us to share the power of his Name (Namo Amituofo in Chinese), which is the crystallization of all of his merits and virtues. He freely shares those merits and virtues with us by allowing us to recite his Name.
In his Commentary on the Treatise of Rebirth Master Tanluan explains that “All births in the Pure Land and all the acts of Bodhisattvas, celestial beings, and human beings there, result from the power of Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow. Why do we say this? If not for the power of the 18th Vow, the 48 vows would have been made in vain. We will now use three vows to prove what we mean.”
He then quoted the 18th Vow, the 11th Vow, and the 22nd Vow to illustrate that, no matter whether the dedication is for “going” or “returning”, the process is totally dependent on the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow.
“All births in the Pure Land” refers to those acts that are dedicated to “going”, and “all the acts of Bodhisattvas as well as celestial and human beings there” refers to those acts that are dedicated to “returning”. Thus, through the two kinds of dedications, Master Tanluan reveals that rebirth is purely due to the teaching of “Amitabha’s Other-Power”.
The two kinds of dedications also explain Amitabha Buddha’s method for delivering sentient beings. In the dedication for “going”, it explains how all of the merit and virtues required for rebirth in the Land of Bliss are bestowed by Amitabha. In the dedication for “returning”, his power for guiding and teaching sentient beings to aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land and also, instilling the desire to return to the Land of Saha to enlighten sentient beings.
(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!