Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 10, 2024

July 10, 2024
Common Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Rebirth through Other-Power (continued)

Going one step further, it should be said that both the cause and effect of our rebirth are bestowed by Amitabha Buddha; so, they are called “other-powered dedications”. Because of Amitabha’s dedication, we receive the cause of rebirth in the present life, and realize the reward of rebirth as soon as our life ends. Hence, it is called “rebirth through other-power”.

Both the cause and effect of our rebirth are accomplished through Amitabha’s dedication, and our rebirth is entirely because of Amitabha Buddha’s power. Not even the tiniest bit of self-power is involved in the entire matter, which is why it is called “pristine rebirth through other-power. In order to differentiate rebirth through relative other-power, we call it “pristine” or “absolute”.

Some people do not understand our teaching, and criticize the fact that, even though the Pristine Pure Land School advocates rebirth through pristine other-power, practitioners assemble to participate in regular recitation practice and to study the teachings. These critics do not consider these activities as necessary if one is fully relying on pristine other-power for the achievement of rebirth.

Based upon our understanding of this issue, rebirth through pristine other-power doesn’t mean rebirth is attained without group participation in recitation practice or in learning the teachings. In differentiating other-power and self-power, our School refers to the direct cause of rebirth. It is called “self-power” if the practitioner accumulates the causes of rebirth through self-powered cultivation. If there is no reliance on self-power and only total reliance on the causes dedicated by Amitabha, it is known as rebirth through pristine other-power. So, even if practitioners participate in group recitation practice and study the teachings in class, they do not violate the concept of rebirth through pristine other-power.
(to be continued tomorrow)

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Namo Amituofo!