Friday, July 12, 2024

July 11, 2024

July 11, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Rebirth through Other-Power (continued)

The Infinite Life Sutra says, “I shall open the Dharma Treasury for the multitudes and offer an abundant treasure of merit.” It also says, “ I Single- Mindedly sought the pure undefiled Dharma in order to benefit sentient beings”; and “He enables sentient beings to accumulate merit.” This indicates that Amitabha Buddha accomplished his Name in order to enable sentient beings to receive his merits.

Accomplishment refers to Amitabha’s dedication to enabling sentient beings to receive his merits. Thus, the karma of the Name has been accomplished. The Name refers to the Buddha’s Name on one hand, and the Name that has been received by sentient beings on the other. That is how sentient beings can receive and accept the Name.

A kind father loves his son and gives all his wealth to him. His son receives it and owns all of his dad’s property. Who dares to say “ receiving another's reward” is not reasonable?

Similarly, once we receive Amitabha Buddha’s dedication the cause of our rebirth is suddenly perfect and complete. Even if we have done nothing, we still deserve to receive this reward. This is the value of the teaching of other-power in the Pure Land School.

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Namo Amituofo!