Friday, July 19, 2024

July 14, 2024

July 14, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

The parable of “Two Rivers and a White Path” by Master Shandao

7. Come Straight Without Deviation
There are several meanings of the phrase “come straight to the west.” First, it means to go directly, without being sidetracked or turning. Some might say, “Let me try other Dharma paths for a few years first. I can always come back to Amitabha-recitation.” Amitabha Buddha says, “No, please come straight here!”
The second meaning is to take immediate action, without delay, regarding the practice of Amitabha-recitation. There are those who think, “Let me wait until I retire before I start practicing the Dharma path of Amitabha-recitation.” Amitabha urges us and says, “No, please come here straight away! Don’t wait until after your retirement. Don’t delay until next year or any later time! Start your practice right away.
A third meaning is to undertake the practice squarely, without evasion. You can be sure there are always those who make excuses for avoiding the practice. “I can’t bring myself to recite Amitabha’s name when I’m still a meat-eater. I’m accumulating so much bad karma every day from eating meat, I can’t face the Buddha. It is much better if I start the practice after I’ve become a vegetarian. Amitabha replies, “No, please start now! Don’t shun the practice.”As an offender, it is all the more important to practice Amitabha- recitation.

再來念佛吧。” 阿彌陀佛說:“不,直來!不要躲閃。已是罪人,罪人更要念佛。”

Namo Amituofo!