Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益

Master Medicine Buddha is known as the Buddha that Eradicates Calamities and Extends Longevity. Though I practice Amitabha’s Pure Land teaching, if I want to avoid calamities and extend my longevity, I should recite Master Medicine Buddha’s Name. Is that correct?
Answer: It is not necessary! Amitabha Buddha is also known as the Buddha of Infinite Life ; so, when you exclusively recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha will also eradicate calamities and extend longevity. As in the Teaching on Contemplation and Recitation, “Those who recite Namo Amitabha Buddha for rebirth immediately extend their longevity and do not experience the Nine Kinds of Calamities.
Please refer to the accounts related to “rebirth of a woman in Harbin”, which are recorded on Page 254 in the Third Collection of accounts on Amitabha-Recitation.


Namo Amituofo!