Friday, August 16, 2024

August 13, 2024

Aug. 13, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

The Five Virtues of a Lotus ( continued)

1. The virtue of ‘being uncontaminated despite living in a muddy pond”

Faith in Amitabha’s deliverance blooms even within the hearts of wicked people. As said in the Vimalakirti Sutra, “Lotus flowers do not grow in the highland, but in the humbly wet and muddy soil. The highland represents the spiritual cultivation of kind, benevolent and vigorous people , while the wet and muddy soil represents iniquitous people who suffer with no motivation to cultivate.

Master Shandao says in the parable of “The Two Rivers and the White Path” in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra, “ despite their afflictions due to greed and hatred, ordinary beings can produce a pure mind of aspiration for rebirth”. Those who deeply see themselves as iniquitous will believe in and accept Amitabha’s deliverance, and receive the lotus flower of genuine faith. If a person thinks he is benevolent and kind, and is vigorous in cultivation, he will not wholeheartedly accept and receive Amitabha’s deliverance with his entire being.

In Buddhism, the definition of evil people is different from those in the mundane world. In the mundane world, evil people refer to those who break the law, or do something that violates morality, such as cheating, stealing, killing people, setting fires, or hurting their parents. However, in the context of Buddhist teaching, it refers to the realization that our own nature is steeped in greed, hatred and delusion. This coincides with what Master Shandao says - “we are iniquitous sentient beings subject to birth and death without any of the causal conditions that are necessary to enable us to leave.” So, we shouldn’t misunderstand and believe that the only “evil” people are criminals. All of us do some level of evil deeds and must bear the unfortunate consequences for those offenses.

“Not contaminated” means “not contaminated by the karmic obstructions of afflictions.” Though our afflictions still exist they cannot obstruct Amitabha’s deliverance. Thus, iniquitous sentient beings are assured of leaving the cycle of birth-and-death through assured rebirth and the realization of Nirvana in the Land of Bliss. It is similar to a lotus flower that blooms in the mud without being contaminated by it.

Those afflicted ordinary beings who believe in Amitabha Buddha and recite his Name can attain the reward of Nirvana despite the fact that they have not severed their afflictions of greed, hatred and delusion. It is the same as what Master Tanluan says - “they are qualified to attain Nirvana without severing their afflictions.”Master Shandao also says, “None of their deviant karma can bind, because Amitabha Buddha’s power cannot be negated.” Amitabha also says, “ If you come here single-mindedly with right mindfulness, I will protect you. You need not fear the jeopardy of falling into the rivers of greed and hatred.”
(to be continued tomorrow)

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Namo Amituofo!