Friday, August 16, 2024

August 15, 2024

Aug. 15, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

The Five Virtues of a Lotus ( continued)

4. The virtue of “one flower with multiple fruits”

Apart from the “simultaneous production of flower and fruit”, one single lotus flower bears many fruits. It represents that, by believing and accepting Amitabha’s deliverance, one can attain broad and boundless merits and virtues.

As said in the Treatise on Rebirth, “It enables rapid fulfillment of the great treasure ocean of merit and virtues.”

The benefits of believing the Buddha and reciting Amitabha Buddha’s Name can be summarized in two ways, present benefits and future benefits, non- retrogression in the present life and rebirth in the future life.

5. The virtue of “being hollow inside, but appearing to be firm outside.”

“Being hollow inside” means “the stem of the lotus is empty”. It seems to be fragile, however, it is not easy to break it, and it can support the whole lotus flower. This metaphor is used to express that an iniquitous Amitabha-reciter who believes the Buddha and recites Amitabha’s Name may seem to be weak, but is actually firm.

Teeth seem to be strong and hard, but they are actually soft. A tongue seems to be soft, but can actually be taut. An old man may have no teeth, but his tongue remains intact.

Status, power and wealth seem to be strong, but they are actually weak, in terms of dealing with death. Those who appear good and are vigorous in self-powered cultivation may still be reborn in the Six realms and reincarnated according to their karma, even if they aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.

Those who believe in the Buddha and recite Amitabha Buddha’s Name, may appear to be non-virtuous, neglect cultivation, and have no power of capacity. However, they can be reborn in the Pure Land without any fear near the end-of-life. Even though they may appear to be weak, they are actually strong. “Upright outside” means “they appear virtuous and upright”.

130 蓮花五德 (續)








Namo Amituofo!