Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 18, 2024

Aug. 18, 2024
A Wonderful Parable of the Pure Land School

9.1 The Impoverished Son (continued)

Once there was a rich father whose only son ran away while still a child. Years passed and the father became old and feeble. He brooded and grieved in his heart, thinking to himself, “I am getting old and my days are numbered. I must find my son and tell him I plan to give him all of my wealth and this vast estate!”

With that objective in mind, he started searching for his missing son everywhere. Since leaving his family, the son had been living an impoverished life. Homeless, he drifted from place to place, and was constantly being bullied. Without any work skills, all he could do was menial jobs. Basically, his life was one of misery and poverty.

One day, while he was wandering about, totally by chance he found himself just outside his father’s estate. Awestruck he gasped, Wow, what a magnificent mansion!” He peered through the main gate and saw a very majestic elderly man sitting there, flanked by many servants. There was also a constant stream of people coming and going. The old man looked just like a king.

Accustomed to the life of a footloose vagrant, the beggar felt awkward in such an opulent and intimidating setting. He thought, “I could never be hired to work in such a grand estate. I’d better leave right away or someone will seize me and force me to labor. I’d better go to a poor village to obtain food and clothing.”

With that thought, he quickly fled.

Just then, the father caught a glimpse of the man from inside the house and recognized him instantly: “ that’s my son, my beloved boy! I’ve been searching all over for him. He cried out loud: “Guard! Hurry! Stop that man and bring him back here! Don’t lose him!”

Responding to the order, a couple of burly house guards dashed out after his son. In their immaculate uniforms, they looked most impressive. Just as he was wondering if he should hang around, the beggar saw these two bruisers and started panicking, “Oh Gosh! They are here to get me…” He sprang into a run at once. Still, he was caught and brought back to the manor. Terrified, the poor man passed out.

Seeing this, the rich father thought to himself, “Oh dear! My son must have been overwhelmed by the imposing surrounding he’s in. I don’t think he’s ready for what’s in store for him yet” He said to the guards, “Splash some cold water on his face to bring him round and just let him go.” Was the old man really willing to release the man? How could he let his long-lost son go after he had been looking for him for decades?

(to be continued tomorrow)

9.1 窮子喻


有一位大富長者,他的獨生兒子從小離散,大富長者後來年紀也大了,廣大的莊園、豐富的財產找不到繼承人,他想:我現在已經年老了, 就要走了,一定要把兒子找到!所以他就很辛苦地到處尋找。


有一天,剛好就晃到大富長者的門口,他一看這座莊園,「哎呀!巍峨廣大」,從大門往裏探頭,坐了 一位非常威嚴的長者,旁邊有很多侍從,人來人往,就像國王一樣。窮子做流浪漢習慣了,來到這麼豪華威勢的地方,感到不自在,「這不是我找活的地方,不能久留,否則會有人出來抓我,逼迫我,治我的罪。我還是趕快離開,到貧窮鄉里去找活兒。」這麼一想,拔腿就走。剛好大富長者在裏邊看見他,就認出來了,「這不是我的兒子嗎?我辛辛苦苦到處尋找的就是他!」馬上喊:「快快快, 把那個人給我抓回來,不能讓他走了。」

侍衛聽到大富長者的指令,一個箭步就出去了,他們長得高大強壯,孔武有力,穿得也很華麗氣派。窮子正在懷疑:此地可能不宜久留……果 然從裏面出來兩個彪形大漢,「啊!壞了!這是來抓我的。」他拔腿就跑。但還是被追上捉住了,強行往回帶。這時窮子又恐怖、又擔心、又緊 張,頓時昏過去了。

大富長者一看,心想:「完了!我的兒子一定是因為這氣派的陣式,受到了驚嚇,他的心量還不成熟。」 就對侍衛說:「你們用涼水把他潑醒,然後把他放走。」


Namo Amituofo!