Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 19, 2024

Aug. 19, 2024
A Wonderful Parable of the Pure Land School

9.1 The Impoverished Son (continued)

He called in another two of his attendants who were of smaller stature. He asked them to dress in rags and look like paupers. “Follow him,” he said.

Appearing like beggars, the two attendants staggered away as instructed. As an old saying puts it, “Birds of a feather flock together, and like attracts like.”

The pair, on finding the impoverished man, started with small talk about things tramps and vagrants did and soon gained his confidence.

They told the man, “You know, you don’t have to work so hard. Where we work, our boss is very nice. We are paid twice as much as we would get elsewhere.”

The impoverished man responded at once, “Sounds like a great place! Do you think they will let me work there?”

“Give it a go, mate.”

“But ... I’m not sure what I can do! I can’t read or write; I ain’t educated.”

“You can try cleaning…toilets.”

“Yeah, I can do that!”

So, the two spies led the man back into the rich elder’s estate. They snuck back into the house through the back door (the main gates would be too lofty for the son). The elder’s son stayed on, working every day as a lavatory cleaner. He felt safe and relaxed, and thought to himself, “This job suits me – it’s what I’m supposed to be, a toilet cleaner.”

Never had he lived such a happy, stable, and secure life before, so he worked very hard, wholeheartedly.

(to be continued tomorrow)

9.1 窮子喻 (續)


這兩個人看起來跟窮子差不多, 像乞丐一樣,搖搖晃晃,跟著去了。物以類聚,人以群分,他們一塊兒就聊起來了,談著做乞丐的事,相談甚歡。







這兩位就把他帶到大富長者莊園來了,從後門繞進來(正門太高貴)。進來以後天天除糞,他幹得很安心,心想:「這跟我的身分很相 應,我就是掃廁所的。」




Namo Amituofo!