Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 22, 2024

Aug. 22, 2024
A Wonderful Parable of the Pure Land School

9. Exposition of the Parable of the Impoverished Son (continued)

We are like the poor son. Although we recite the six-character Name, “Namo Amitabha Buddha” every day, we have no idea that the merits and virtues embodied in the Name are the greatest endowment any buddha could share with us. Instead, we think, “I have recited Amitabha’s Name 20,000 times today. So, only the merits of those 20,000 recitations are mine; the merits contained in his name belong to the Buddha.”

This is exactly what the impoverished son thought when he was working in the manor. Dealing with accounts and books each day, he thought that all the wealth he helped to take care of belonged only to his master, while he himself was no more than a wage-earner. He didn’t know that his father was going to entrust the whole estate to him.

When the right time comes, Amitabha Buddha reveals his true intent: “Now that you recite my Name and accept the fact that you are my child, the entire Land of Bliss is yours.”

The Buddha gives us his whole Land of Bliss for free! Only then do we dare to accept the present with delight. To make sure that we accept his generous gift of the entire Land of Bliss,

Amitabha Buddha skillfully opens the doors of the various other Dharma practices, in order to give us time for our aptitudes to gradually evolve. As a result, we become accepting of the idea of the treasures stored within the meritorious six-character Name.

When we start to have faith in the Dharma path of Amitabha-recitation and earnestly practice it, this suggests that our aptitudes are fully developed. Like the beggar in the parable, we have already done enough toilet-cleaning and it is time for the rich elder’s “press conference”. It goes to show that we already possess abundant virtuous roots.

In contrast, those who have few virtuous roots or meritorious blessings, cannot recite Amitabha’s Name exclusively and scrupulously. They are like the pauper son whose aspirations were low and who was too afraid to accept the exceedingly generous gift of the entire manor. Terrified, he simply fled.

You may say to a person who has no spiritual faith, “Practice Amitabha-recitation and you will be reborn in the Pure Land!”

He is likely to respond with this: “No! No! I cannot believe that’s true!”

You may say to a lay Buddhist, “Practice Amitabha-recitation and you will be reborn in the Pure Land!”

He will reply, “Hold on! I am pursuing the paths leading to rebirth in the realms of human or celestial beings!”

You may say to a practitioner who is seeking liberation from samsara, “You should aspire to be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss!”

He will express doubt. “How can I possibly be qualified to gain rebirth in such a wonderful land?”

Reacting like the impoverished son, he is convinced that he is not good enough to be admitted to the splendid manor. Our father is the “king of all Buddhas, and the supreme among all lights.” Buddha Amitabha, our compassionate father, has vowed to save all sentient beings who have been endlessly wandering in the Three Wretched Realms, deluded and ungrateful.

So, let us each comply with the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha to accord with Amitabha’s great vows, and be a filial child to our compassionate father, Amitabha.

——Excerpt from the Keynote Speeches Summarizing the Amitabha Sutra

9.1 釋窮子喻 (續)





就好像那個乞丐,根機還沒成熟,決定不敢接受整個莊園, 逃跑了,嚇昏了。









Namo Amituofo!