Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 28, 2024

Aug. 28, 2024
Wonderful Teachings of the Pure Land School

On Faith in Amitabha and the Practice of Amitabha-Recitation

One of the guiding principles of the Pure Land Buddhist school is: “To have faith in and acceptance of Amitabha’s deliverance”. However, some people have the misconception that it is not necessary to recite the Name of Amitabha. They believe that simply by having “true faith” the Buddha will deliver them.

The question is, how do they know that their faith is true? They would probably tell you that their faith arose one day when, upon hearing the Fundamental Vow of Amitabha Buddha, they were moved to tears, rejoicing so much as to dance to their heart’s content. They think that is an indication that Amitabha has responded to their faith and that their rebirth in the Pure Land is assured. To them, it is no longer important whether they practice Amitabha-recitation or not.

This is a mistaken view, definitely incorrect. The person who holds such a view is mistaking something for a cause which is not a cause. He wrongly believes that the ignorant mind of an ordinary being, a mind that is constantly changing and unreal, is the cause for rebirth. This won’t do. The emotions of ordinary beings are just fleeting illusions. We could be joyful, touched, dancing, crying or whatever, but all of these emotions will pass with time.

Then, what gives them that misunderstanding? Suppose he had a particularly sentimental experience in the past which sticks in his mind. Let’s say it occurred on the 30th of September, 2006 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. While he was hearing a teaching of a Dharma master, he was so overjoyed by the prospect of Amitabha’s deliverance that he burst out laughing. From then on, he takes that one joyous thought of the Buddha’s deliverance as the primary proof that his rebirth in the Land of Bliss has been decided.

How wrong he is!
(to be continued tomorrow)

10. 關於信心與念佛之妙喻2則 

有人誤解信順阿彌陀佛,信心 一念就可以往生,現在我們有信心了,就不用念佛了。他怎麼知道自己有信心呢?因為有一天,他聽到阿彌陀佛的本願,他歡喜得掉眼淚了,他感動得哭出來了,歡喜踴躍,跳起舞來了,這代表他有感應、有體驗,代表他被阿彌陀佛救到了。他往生已定 了,以後念佛不念佛那都無所謂了。

這是錯誤認識,不正確!這叫作「非因計因」,他把不是正確的因當作往生之因,他把凡夫的生滅心當作往生的正因,這怎麼可以呢!喜悅也好,感動也好,體驗也好,跳舞也好,掉眼淚也好,時過境遷,就沒有了。他錯誤理解了,每次就回憶他為什麼能往生呢?因為在2006年9月30 日下午三點,他聽法師講法,他笑出來了。他把那一念當作往生正因,錯啦!

Namo Amituofo!