Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 30, 2024

Aug. 30, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

10B A Poor Man Who Loses His Gold

Let’s look at another metaphor. Imagine there is a very poor man. A compassionate person offers him a box of gold bars, suggesting that he take good care of it since it can keep him from hunger and misery. The gold bars, being so valuable, are in an exquisite case when they are given to the poor man.

Unfortunately, the man has no idea of the value of gold. He simply admires the box but does not bother to open it. He guards the box day and night and wonders why he remains poor despite having a windfall.

One day, the man comes across a helpful person who opens the box for him. The moment he sees the gold bars inside, he is overjoyed.

“Now I don’t have to suffer from poverty anymore!”

With this thought of joyfulness, he rushes out to tell his neighbors that he has received a big fortune and is no longer poor! With the precious assets at home, the happy man speaks with great confidence. No one will look down on him anymore but think that he is now a rich man.

He goes around boasting about his good luck. Someone warns him that he’d better go home to protect his gold from being stolen. The man thinks the advice is sensible.

Just then, a conman approaches him and tries to dissuade him from guarding his gold. ‘Millionaires are all happy go lucky people who are not overly worried about their fortune,’ the conman said. ‘What good does it do you to guard that box?

You’ve been keeping an eye on it for several years, yet you didn’t get any joy from

it, did you?’ The poor man couldn’t agree more. He has been keeping the box of

gold for three years and yet he is still as impoverished as ever.

“You are feeling the agony of being poor. That is just a simple thought.” The dishonest man continues with his ploy. “Now you have the joyful feeling of being rich, and that is also just a thought. You are rich because you have that one thought. This one thought is of the utmost value. Don’t ever let anyone take away that one precious thought of yours. Otherwise, you will be poor again.”

The ignorant man thinks the advice of the crook makes sense. Having conned the man, the crook sneaks into the latter’s home and steals his gold. Sadly, the briefly rich man becomes poor once again.

(to be continued tomorrow)

10B. 關於信心與念佛妙喻之 - 窮人失金喻






Namo Amituofo!