Monday, August 5, 2024

August 4, 2024

Aug.4, 2024
Common Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

The Two Kinds of Deep Faith (II) (continued)

The Mental Nature of the aspirant has already totally changed. Although his mind is in a state of joy, he also feels sadness because he sees the suffering of all sentient beings. He always praises them and gives them credit. He always shares in the bitterness and blame for others' errors. He is compassionate to and understanding of other people. His deportment is always modest and amiable.
He does not argue with others or fight with them. He does not spread gossip or discuss gossip. He always admits his faults, accommodates and forgives others. He is willing to suffer disadvantages and is not calculating. He is considerate in sharing benefits with others.
The Infinite Life Sutra praises this person, “He attains rebirth immediately and dwells in the state of non-retrogression. He has received the utmost benefit, which is to possess supreme merit and virtue.”
The Contemplation Sutra also praises, “Those who are mindful of Amitabha Buddha are like white lotus-flowers among humankind.”
Master Shandao uses five descriptions to praise this person:“ Amitabha-reciters are good people, wonderful people, supreme people, rare people, the most splendid people among all mankind.”
(to be continued tomorrow)

129 二種深信(二) (續)
《無量壽經》讚歎此人說: 即得往生,住不退轉。為得大利,則是具足無上功德。

Namo Amituofo!