Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 6, 2024

Aug. 6, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Amitabha-Recitation Generates Abundant Merits and Blessings (continued)

8D. Amitabha’s Name Is Like a Brand Name

Let’s look at the metaphors of a trademark and a brand name. A trademark is a business design or logo that identifies the services or products of a company that distinguishes them from others. It is a hallmark. A brand name is what a business or product is called. Like a well-known international trademark, a famous brand name is often worth over a hundred million dollars. It is a valuable asset when it is made famous enough to generate a fortune. Then many people will say “ that brand is a money-maker”.
In a similar vein, a title attached to a certain official position gives it greater authority - such as the title of the governor of a state or a mayor. These are titles which are more than just a name, they carry with them a certain power. This is known as “the power of title”. The title one carries wields a corresponding authority.
These are worldly phenomena. In the business world, the brand makes money. In the political arena, a title carries clout. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, on the other hand, are other-worldly. They belong to the realm of the supramundane. Their names embody great merits and virtues.

8D. 念佛即是多福德妙喻之四 - 品牌商標喻
再比如我們剛才講的商標的比喻。商標就是一個商業標誌、一個標號,名牌也就是一個名字、一個招 牌,但是一個著名的世界商標、品牌,往往價值多少億美金。這可以叫 「以名召財」,財做成名,名就是財。還有我們講,縣長、市長,也都是名,但有這個名,就有這個權,這叫「以名召權」,權構成名,名就是權。你有什麼名,就有什麼權。當然這是世間的,商界就以名召財,政界就以名召權,佛菩薩是出世間的,是功德界,所以「以名召德」。

Namo Amituofo!