Thursday, August 1, 2024

July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

8B, Amitabha-Recitation Is Like a Powerful Bow

The fact is, we possess no merits or virtues comparable to those of the six-character Name. The best we can do is to practice the Five Precepts and Ten Good Actions. The virtuous roots and blessings accumulated from such practices are only good enough to achieve rebirth in the human and celestial realms [which are still part of samsara]. With such merits attainment of an Arhat's status (let alone Buddhahood) is beyond our reach.
Let me illustrate this by using bows and arrows as a metaphor. The power of one bow varies greatly from that of another.
Imagine the practice of the Five Precepts and the Ten Good Actions is a bow, and each of us sentient beings is an arrow notched on it. How far can this arrow be shot? The answer is: within the human and celestial realms at best. Pulled by the gravitational force of the Three Domains, [even with the most powerful bow], the arrow can go no further. It is like the physics involved in a satellite orbiting around our planet. The moon cannot escape the law of gravity and leave its orbit. The power of the bow of the Five Precepts and Ten Good Actions cannot deliver a practitioner beyond the realms of human and celestial beings. To be able to be reborn in a higher realm, such as Arhats or Pratyekabuddhas, one must be capable of perfectly practicing the Four Noble Truths or the Twelve links of Dependent Origination, which are the teachings for these Two Vehicles respectively.
Even if a practitioner can undertake such higher-level practices, he’s still far from the orbit of Bodhisattvas. To reach the realm of Bodhisattvas, the practitioner will have to use a more powerful bow. This means that he must first generate bodhicitta (the desire to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of sentient beings) and practice the most arduous Bodhisattva Way through countless lifetimes and kalpas.

8B. 念佛即是多福德妙喻之二 - 強弓喻

Namo Amituofo!