Thursday, August 1, 2024

July 29, 2024

July 29, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

8B. Amitabha-Recitation Is Like a Powerful Bow (continued)

As Amitabha-reciters, we should be glad to know that we have the most powerful bow. It is not just the bow of the Five Precepts and Ten Good Actions. It is the bow of the six-character Name “Namo Amituofo”. It has formidable force since the archer who uses the bow is “the king of all Buddhas, with supreme Light and unfathomable power and virtue.” Meanwhile, we sentient beings are each like an arrow loaded on Amitabha’s bow, and ready for the archer’s release. When we recite the Buddha’s name, we let the archer, Amitabha, shoot the arrow and propel us all the way to the Western Land of Bliss. This arrow originates from the Saha world, shoots past the realms of humans, celestial beings, and all other sacred beings (including Arhats and all levels of Bodhisattvas). That is why there is a verse saying, “Be not surprised that a single recitation surpasses ten stages on the path of Bodhisattvas.”
How can an arrow be propelled through the incredibly long distance on the path of the Bodhisattva Way? Here is the answer——the arrow is shot from Amitabha’s infinitely powerful bow, right through a hundred thousand trillion buddha lands (arriving at “a world called the Land of Bliss,” as said in the Amitabha Sutra), and arriving in a seat beside the throne of the king of all Buddhas.
Without the formidable bow of the six-character Name, an arrow propelled by the Five Precepts and Ten Good Actions can go no higher than the realm of celestial beings, and then it will surely fall.
Therefore, practitioners must rely on the great bow of the six-character Name to reach the Western Land of Bliss. Rich in virtuous roots and meritorious blessings, this name encompasses the merits and virtues of all other Dharma paths and practices.

8B. 念佛即是多福德妙喻之二 - 強弓喻
我們現在念佛的人,大家要知道,我們有一把強弓,我們這把弓已經不是五戒十善了,是南無阿彌陀佛這把強弓。這把弓的力量非常強大,「諸佛中之王,光明中之極尊」「威神功德不可思議」,這把弓就是六字名號;我們眾生就是六 字名號這把弓上的一支箭。我們來念佛,就是機關發動,阿彌陀佛就是強弓手。我們這支箭雖然在娑婆世界,但超越人道、天道,超越三界、超越阿羅漢、超越 地前小菩薩、超越地上大菩薩、超越十地等覺菩薩,直奔佛果。所以,「莫訝一稱超十地」。一箭放出去,怎麼超越十地菩薩?一箭射到十萬億佛土之外(有世界名曰極樂),直向阿彌陀佛座邊。

Namo Amituofo!