Friday, September 13, 2024

September 12, 2024

Sept.12, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

132 The Name of Ultimate, Perfect, and Harmonious Virtue (continued)

The Tientai School always talks about “perfect and complete”, based on the dogma of “no difference between mind, Buddha and sentient beings”. It means one’s mind is replete with Buddhas and sentient beings in the ten Dharma Realms.

Deluded mind refers to sentient beings and enlightened mind refers to the Buddha, so they talk about ‘perfect and complete”, mainly with reference to mind.

However, when the Pure Land School talks about “perfect and complete”, it only refers to Amitabha Buddha. It is Amitabha’s Name that contains ultimate, perfect, and harmonious virtues. If ordinary beings believe this and recite it, they will be rescued and delivered without any interference.

The following are quotations from the Buddhas and our patriarchs as evidence:

“If those who earnestly believe, rejoice , wish to be reborn in my land, and recite my Name even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.”

“Those who rejoice in faith, recite his Name even once, and sincerely dedicate their merit in aspiration to be reborn there, will immediately attain rebirth and achieve non-retrogression.

“If someone hears the Buddha’s Name, rejoices, and recites it even once, you\should know that this person has received the utmost benefit.”

“When I complete the Buddha-path, my Name shall transcend all in the ten directions. Should it not be heard everywhere, May I not attain perfect enlightenment.”

“By the power of that Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, those who hear his Name and wish to be reborn, will all reach his land and naturally attain the state of non-retrogression.”

“When I attain Perfect Enlightenment, my Buddha Name shall be Amitayus. All sentient beings who hear this Name will be transported to my land. Their bodies will be golden in color, just like mine, and all their forms will be splendid, perfect and complete. Moreover, they will be enabled to benefit various kinds of sentient beings through the greatness of their compassionate minds.

(the above quoted from the Great Sutra)

(to be continued tomorrow)

132 圓融至德嘉號 (續)











Namo Amituofo!