Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 15, 2024

Sept. 15, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

132. The Most Honored Name of Ultimate, Perfect, and Harmonious Virtue (continued)

The following are quotations from Shakyamuni Buddha and the Pure Land patriarchs as evidence:

“All Buddhas’ names are accomplished through their vows and practices. By merely reciting Amitabha Buddha’s Name, which contains all virtues, a person can attain the Greatest Virtue that will enable us to abandon rebirth.”

“Amitabha’s Name is a consolidation of all virtues. Thus, Amitabha’s Name contains all of the merit and virtues attained through internal realization including: the Four Kinds of Wisdom, the Three Bodies, the Ten Powers, and the Four Kinds of Fearlessness. It also possesses all the merit and virtues for external functions including: the marks of goodness, light, the skills for preaching, and benefiting sentient beings.”

“With even one recitation of Amitabha’s Name, the ultimate goal of all practices is reached, because the six character Name is the root of all virtues.”

“ Amitabha’s Name is replete with all of the merits and virtues attained through all practices, without anything lacking; from one’s initial aspiration to perfect Enlightenment, and the ultimate achievement of Buddhahood. It is not just confined to Amitabha ; but, also includes all of the merits and virtues of all Buddhas in the ten directions. Within the six characters in the Name are all virtues. It is just like a Mani pearl that creates an immeasurable amount of gems though its size is small.”

(to be continued tomorrow)

132 圓融至德嘉號 (續)










Namo Amituofo!