Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 17, 2024

Sept. 17, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

132. The Most Honored Name of Ultimate, Perfect, and Harmonious Virtue (continued)

The following are quotations from Shakyamuni Buddha and the Pure Land

patriarchs as evidence:

“Amitabha Buddha’s Name is composed of six characters. It includes a myriad of virtues accumulated through his cultivation for countless eons; so, those who recite it will attain enormous benefits.”

“If I orally recite Amitabha Buddha’s Name even once, I will have sufficient boundless merits and virtues from the cause to the effect.”

“All Buddhas imbue their names with virtues; so, by reciting a Buddha’s name we can receive his virtues. These virtues can eradicate offenses and render blessings.”

“Through even one recitation of Amitabha’s Name, a myriad of virtues are immediately received. Thus, the offenses accumulated during many eons will disappear, and blessings become as abundant as the stars in the sky.”

(to be continued tomorrow)

132 圓融至德嘉號 (續)










Namo Amituofo!