Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 23, 2024

Sept. 23, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

11. The Metaphor of Water Reflecting the Moon

Imagine there are two people, A and B, who both adore the moon for its brightness. A draws on the grayish surface of the road a beautiful picture of the moon – round and looking just like the real moon. But no moonlight is shown. To try to make the picture shine, A uses white chalk to paint the moon. However, the whitened image still doesn’t glow. B simply fetches a basin of water and puts it under the moonlit sky. There, so complete and radiantly bright, the moon is reflected in the water. The fact that a pictured moon emits no light is no reason to doubt the illumination of the moon reflected in the water.

Seeking light from a picture of the moon is analogous to practicing incorrectly. The practitioner imagines a way to achieve his goal but it is not working. Unfortunately, he then believes his goal is beyond reach. Practicing Amitabha-recitation is like using water to reflect the moon. When we recite Amitabha’s Name, the Buddha immediately enters our minds , awakening the brilliance of salvation. The moon symbolizes Amitabha, while the water shows our willingness to rely on the Buddha.

No drawing of the lunar image on stone slabs shines like the real moon high up in the sky. Only if you place a basin of water under the night sky can you see the reflection of the moon complete with its brilliance. As Bodhisattva Nagarjuna puts it, “If one’s faith is pure, the flower in which one is reborn blooms and lets one see the Buddha.” If we have faith in Amitabha Buddha, entrust ourselves to him, and recite his Name exclusively, the lotus flowers of rebirth will blossom at once to manifest the Buddha’s merits and virtues for delivering us. However, to seek

liberation by relying on self-power in practicing meritorious deeds which are flawed (asrava) and conditioned ((saṃskṛta) , is like seeking light from a painted moon on a stone slab. Although we all possess the Buddha Nature, as ordinary beings our cultivation efforts are imperfect. Therefore, it’s extremely difficult for us to attain perfect enlightenment by our own efforts. Conversely, if we practice in accord with Amitabha’s vows, it is easy.

There’s a saying that goes like this: “A pond mirrors the moon without trying. Once built and filled with water, it readily reflects the moon.” A person digs a pond without expecting to see the reflection of the moon in it, but when the pond is constructed and full of clear water, the moon appears spontaneously.

The same principle applies to our rebirth in the Western Land of Bliss by practicing Amitabha-recitation. This is the law of cause and effect. Our recitation of Amitabha’s Name is the cause and our rebirth in the Land of Bliss the effect. It is also a matter of two sources of energy resonating with each other. [When we recite the name of the Buddha, our energy matches that of Amitabha].

Some of us doubt whether we can attain rebirth by reciting Amitabha’s Name and are apprehensive about aspiring for rebirth in the Pure Land. You just need to “have your pond ready”, “the moon will appear in the water naturally”.

The moon symbolizes Amitabha Buddha. At our lives’ end, we will surely see the Buddha manifesting in front of us and delivering us to his Pure Land. This is natural and spontaneous. Don’t doubt it.

(Abstract from the Principles of the Pure Land Teaching by Master Shandao)

11. 取水映月喻


畫月求光,比如修行不得法,用自己的想像,覺得這樣應該可以,結果達不到,就認為很難。用水映月,比如念佛,阿彌陀佛立即來到我 們心中,大放救度光明。月亮代表阿彌陀佛,水就代表我們仰投阿彌陀佛 的心。月亮掛在高高的天上,你在青石板上自己想畫出月亮是不可以的,除非把一盆清水往這裏一端,月影自然就來到水中。

龍樹菩薩說 :「信心清淨,花開見佛。」信順歸命,一向專念阿彌陀佛,心花開放,立即顯見佛的救度功德。靠自己有漏有為的福業,想修出這種解脫,就好像在青石板上畫出一個月亮的影子,畫得挺 像


有兩句話 :「開池不求月,池成月自來。」有人開挖一個水池,他沒有求天上的月亮能來。但是,這個水池開鑿好了之後,清水灌進去了,月亮自然來到水池裏面。我們念佛往生也一樣,有因必有果,感應道交。我們稱念南無阿彌陀佛,還在擔心著到底能不能往生,不敢求往生的果報。但是只要你「池成」,「月自來」,阿彌陀佛來了!臨終彌陀必然現前來迎。這是自然而然的道理,不用懷疑。

Namo Amituofo!