Monday, September 30, 2024

September 30, 2024

Sept. 30, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

All ordinary beings accumulate karmic offenses, such as: mental karma , verbal karma, and the karma accumulated through bodily actions and behaviors. When weighing the amount of our good and bad karma, most ordinary beings accumulate less good karma and more bad karma.

As said in the Earth Store Sutra, “All of the acts and thoughts of sentient beings in the Jambudvipa realm are a product of our karma .” So, after death, they are forced by their karma to reincarnate in the appropriate realm. We are not created, manipulated, or judged by a God. It is our own karma that determines our sentence. If you are sentenced to fall into the wretched realms, you cannot say no, because it is naturally determined.

How great is the power of karma? The Earth Store Sutra says, “It can be as huge as Mount Sumeru. It can be as deep as an ocean. It can obstruct us from entering the sacred path.” It is a kind of natural power that drives us from cause to effect without confusion.

Perhaps, it seems that no one knows what we think or what we do at present or in the past; but, that karma still exists in the Dharma Realm, even if we think it does not. When the time comes, the respective effect will arise, and we must bear it.

There are two verses, as follows:

Even if the karma was performed a hundred or thousand eons ago, it doesn’t vanish. When the causal condition ripens, the effect must arise as reward or retribution.

Many of us wish to know the past life causes that manifest their effects in this life. We may also wish to know the future life effects created in this life.

This explains the relationship between cause and effect as they pertain to good and bad karma, and that the karmic force exerted on sentient beings is a natural phenomenon.

(to be continued tomorrow)

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Namo Amituofo!