Friday, September 13, 2024

September 6, 2024

Sept. 6, 2024
Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

The 18th Vow in the Infinite Life Sutra (continued)

3. Question: How can sentient beings in the ten directions “entrust themselves sincerely and
joyfully”, as said in the 18th Vow?
Answer: We are taught that Amitabha’s compassion does not exclude even one sentient being from his deliverance. He awakens the mind of aspiration within us. We are also taught that Amitabha’s Name is replete with all of the credentials necessary for our rebirth. By reciting his Name, we can receive and accept them. Thus, our rebirth is assured and our entrapment in the cycle of birth-and-death is forever eliminated.
(to be continued tomorrow)

《無量壽經》第十八願 (續)
3. 問:第十八願中「十方眾生」是怎樣「至心信樂」的?

Namo Amituofo!