Tuesday, October 29, 2024

October 29, 2024

Oct. 29, 2024
Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

05. Making the General Vows with the Bodhi Mind in the Infinite Life Sutra
I vow to become a Buddha
With the same sublimity as you, Dharma King.
I shall deliver beings from transmigration
And let them all attain liberation.
I vow to attain Buddhahood
And fulfill this vow universally,
Turning all of the fears [of sentient beings]
Into great peace.
When I become a Buddha,
My land will rank first.
Its inhabitants shall be wonderful,
And its cultivation sites shall be second to none.
My land shall be like nirvana,
Peerless and without equal.

Question 05.01: Dharmakara Bodhisattva made vows to establish his practices. In how many ways can the vows be divided?

Answer: There are three kinds of vows. The first are the vows related to his Dharma Body - I vow to become a Buddha, with the same sublimity as you, Dharma King. The second are the vows related to sentient beings - Turning all of the fears [of sentient beings] into great peace. The third are the vows related to the land - When I become a Buddha, my land will be the most sublime.

05.《無量壽經》 發心總願

05.1 問:法藏比丘發願,分為哪幾方面?


Namo Amituofo!

October 28, 2024

Oct. 28, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Two - Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
第二部分 有關念佛往生

21. Question: If our minds are not pure, with all kinds of miscellaneous thoughts flying around, while reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha, can we still be reborn?
Answer: Most definitely! See the accounts recorded in the Third Collection. Those lay people who recite Amitabha’s name, despite having all kinds of scattered thoughts, can still be reborn.
Actually, whether your mind is pure or not, and whether you have miscellaneous thoughts or not, are not related to rebirth at all. If you exclusively recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, and really wish to be reborn, nothing can obstruct Amitabha’s deliverance.
It is just like traveling on a ship, if your body is already on board, it doesn’t matter what you think, as long as you stay on the ship, you will eventually arrive on the shore.
Taking refuge in Amitabha Buddha means totally surrendering our desire to become a Buddha to Amitabha Buddha. If we exclusively recite Amitabha’s name and fully entrust in his deliverance, our being is already on Amitabha’s great ship.
We have formed one entity with Amitabha. It doesn’t matter what our conscious mind brings up, as they are just thoughts. They are impermanent virtual images without any substance. How can they obstruct Amitabha’s deliverance? How can they prevent Amitabha’s great vow ship from sailing? They can’t! Amitabha’s unimpeded light can easily save us and deliver us to the West.
Generally, we say that if a person has many false and miscellaneous thoughts, his mind is not at ease, and he suffers from numerous afflictions. So, it is better to have fewer miscellaneous thoughts. How can we do that? Try to let go of worldly matters, and recite the Buddha’s name more often. After a while, our miscellaneous thoughts will be reduced.
“The ten-recitation method” adopted by Master Yinguang is also an effective way of practicing “single-minded” Amitabha-recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

October 27, 2024

Oct. 27, 2024
Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

In the Pure Land teaching, a thousand out of a thousand and ten thousand out of ten thousand who believe will be assured of rebirth.
Those who commit the gravest offenses and slander the Correct Dharma will fall into hell; but, they can still be saved by Amitabha Buddha if they believe and accept the Buddha’s deliverance. If they don’t, they cannot be saved, because they don’t believe, don’t rely on the Buddha, and don’t accept the Buddha’s grace of deliverance.


Namo Amituofo!

October 26, 2024

Oct. 26, 2024
Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

With your present rebirth, you are experiencing a prosperous circumstance.
However, you will soon be welcomed by King Yama in the Third Heaven,
Because you do not have the necessary credentials to proceed further, even though you wish to.
You cannot prevent this even if you stay in your current state of existence.


Namo Amituofo!

October 25, 2024

Oct. 25, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

14. Metaphor of Bulldozer - The Two Buddhas Open a Very Wide Path to the Pure Land


Why didn’t Master Shandao say he was showing us a broad path to establish a Pure Land School? Because the very purpose of the Pure Land Path is to reinstate the true essence of the Dharma teaching of the Pure Land Path. It is not to satisfy any ego driven desire to be the leader of a sect. Seeing that the Easy Path was being blocked by various barricades, Master Shandao established some systematic principles to help practitioners see the pure nature of this Dharma path. His teachings are pristine. His aim was to remove all the unnecessary impediments caused by false views. He was there to make the Easy Path a very wide and

accessible one for all.

Strictly speaking, Master Shandao’s Pure Land principles are not confined to any sect or school. The Pure Land School is categorized as one of the eight Mahayana schools of Buddhism according to its teachings and specifications of practice.

However, Amitabha’s name benefits not just practitioners of the Pure Land School, nor just Buddhists. It benefits sentient beings in the ten directions. It simply manifests itself as a Dharma school. According to the principles of the Pure Land School, the name of Amitabha Buddha belongs to the entire race of human beings. The teaching of the Pure Land School is universal and applicable to all.

Master Shandao’s opening remark of “Let me show you the broad path to the Pure Land” means just that.

14. 推土機喻: 今乘二尊教,廣開淨土門 (續)

為什麼不說「廣開淨土宗」呢? 善導大師說「廣開淨土門」,沒有說開淨土宗,怎麼說這是開宗呢?那是因為,開宗的目的就是要「廣開淨土門」,而不是為了開立宗派。是因為淨土門給閉住了,所以要通過這一系統的理論,使淨土法門恢復本來面貌。這也顯示出善導大師教法的純正性,沒有自我的東西,只是恢復阿彌陀佛淨土法門的本來面貌;就是淨土門被不正確知見堵塞住了,所以來「廣開淨土門」。

真正說起來,善導大師的淨土思想是不可以宗派來局限的。按宗派的理論、規範來說,淨土宗算是八大宗派當中一宗派;其實,阿彌陀佛名號不是僅僅屬於淨土宗的,也不是僅僅屬於佛教徒的,而是屬於十方眾生 的。不過是以一個形式開顯出來,就說是立宗了。按淨土宗教義,真正說起來,阿彌陀佛名號是全人類的,是一切眾生共通的教法:「廣開淨土門」能顯示這樣的意思。

Namo Amituofo!

October 24, 2024

Oct. 24, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

14. Metaphor of Bulldozer - The Two Buddhas Open a Very Wide Path to the Pure Land

What are the obstacles along the path? An example is a toll booth. All vehicles must pay to get through. No one can go further without payment.

Along the easy path to Amitabha’s Pure Land, many teachers of the Sacred Path set up all types of toll booths and barricades. They imposed various conditions for anyone who wanted to get through. For example, they would ask: Is this person a saint or only an ordinary being? If it is the latter, access will be denied because, according to them, ordinary beings are not qualified to be reborn to the Pure Land. With this criterion, not that many people can get through, because sages are so few and far between. Even if ordinary beings are considered qualified, more challenging criteria await: are they virtuous or evil beings? Evil ordinary beings are out. Do the virtuous ones possess wisdom? Are they conversant in the Mahayana scriptures? Have they resolved to achieve bodhicitta? Those who fail to meet any of these criteria are all unacceptable.

Imagine - after so many rounds of stringent scrutiny, only a handful managed to reach the gate of the Pure Land. These survivors found themselves having to face a fence several meters high in front of the gate. They were asked if they were able to achieve a state of meditative concentration, or did they have right mindfulness at the end of their lives. With these criteria the supposedly very wide gate of the Pure Land barely remained open. The very tall fence made entry to the Pure Land nearly impossible.

Notwithstanding all such daunting obstructions, a few finally made it through the gate and entered their long sought-after homeland. However, a rather unpleasant surprise was in store for them: they were not in a blissful and awesome realm which was “as immense as boundless space”, a picture depicted in the sutras. Instead, they were in a rather small courtyard known as “the Realm of Cohabitation for Ordinary and Sacred Beings”.

Such obstructions abounded, including the mistaken view that Amitabha’s Pure Land was only a transformation realm. In order to “have a broad path leading to the Pure Land,” all these obstacles had to be eradicated, in accord with the guidance of Shakyamuni Buddha and the Fundamental Vow of Amitabha Buddha. Master Shandao therefore summarized the core principles of the Pure Land teaching as follows:

“Even ordinary beings can be reborn in the Pure Land of the Realm of Rewards if they recite the name of Amitabha Buddha in accord with his Fundamental Vow.”

Master Shandao’s clear pronouncement of the principles of the Pure Land teaching showed us the truth of all these obstacles and revealed the very broad path, open to ALL beings, to the Pure Land.

(to be continued tomorrow)

14. 推土機喻: 今乘二尊教,廣開淨土門


非要這樣經過多少關卡,過了一 關又一關,還剩下幾個好不容易到了淨土門旁邊,一看,門檻幾丈高── 修行如果沒達到功夫成片,如果沒有清淨心,不能保證臨終正念,門就跳不過去。這又擋上了!本來是廣大的門,結果變成一條小縫,到門口又加個很高的門檻。

好不容易翻過門檻,有了清淨心,功夫成片了,臨終正念分明,終於跳進門了,但不是「究竟如虛空, 廣大無邊際」,而是給你一個小院子 ──「凡聖同居土」這麼一個小小的地方。

這種種障礙很多,甚至說極樂淨土是化土等等。這些障礙都需要排除,依釋迦牟尼佛的教導、阿彌陀佛的本願來「廣開淨土門」。善導大師的「本願稱名,凡夫入報」,把這些障礙都打開了 ──「廣開淨土門」。

Namo Amituofo!

October 23, 2024

Oct. 23, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

14. Metaphor of Bulldozer - The Two Buddhas Open a Very Wide Path to the Pure Land

“Buddhas of the ten directions, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, enlightened me with their six supernatural powers. In accord with the teachings of the two World-Honored Ones, let me show you the very broad path to the Pure Land.” (quoted from the Chapter of Profound Meaning of the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra)

The above verse from the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra is Master Shandao’s proclamation on the establishment of the Pure Land School.The gist of this verse lies in the following quote:

“In accord with the teachings of the two World-Honored Ones, let me show you the very broad path to the Pure Land.”

Why did Master Shandao show us ‘the very broad path’ as opposed to just ‘the path’?

The antonym of broad is narrow, or even blocked. The Pure Land path is supposed to be infinitely broad, able to accommodate sentient beings of all aptitudes. However, masters of other Buddhist schools had imposed some very restrictive conditions on this Dharma teaching and, as a result, greatly narrowed the path to Amitabha’s Pure Land. A thorough clean-up of such obstacles became necessary.

Did Master Shandao have to do the clean-up by himself? Not really. He simply relied on “the teachings of the two World-Honored Ones.” Like powerful bulldozers, the Dharma teachings spoken by Buddhas Shakyamuni and Amitabha cleared all of the obstructions.

There are three types of obstructions, namely: obstacles along the path, obstructions at the doorstep, and impediments indoors.

(to be continued tomorrow)

14. 推土機喻: 今乘二尊教,廣開淨土門 

十方恒沙佛,六通照知我,今乘二尊教,廣開淨土門。《觀經疏 ‧ 玄義分》






Namo Amituofo!

October 22, 2024

Oct. 22, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

The Great Path Apart from Other Teachings (continued)

Master Shandao says in his “In Praise of Pratyutpanna”: All of the 84,000 different teachings are expounded for the purpose of extinguishing the karmic causes of ignorance.

Amitabha's Name is a sharp sword. It can eradicate all karmic offenses through even one recitation.

It also says: Because of the differences in aptitudes and capacities among sentient beings, there are as many as 84,000 teachings in Buddhism.

Though all teachings are different, these are called Gradual Teachings. It takes ten thousand eons to realize them through cultivation and hardship.

Master Shandao also says in his “ In Praise of Dharma Practice”:

The Tathagata incarnated in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity,

For the sake of delivering sentient beings through his expedient teachings according to circumstances.

Sentient beings may be liberated by hearing many of his discourses or by hearing few,

While concentrating on attaining the Three Insights.

By cultivating wisdom and merits to eradicate the two karmic barriers or,

By engaging in the practices of meditation and contemplation.

All of the teachings will lead to emancipation,

However, none of them is better than the teaching of rebirth in the West through


Recite Amitabha Buddha’s name for a lifetime, as few as ten times, or even three or five times.

Just before your death the Buddha will come to receive you.

This is because Amitabha’s vows are so powerful and all encompassing,

That they enable ordinary beings to attain rebirth immediately through Amitabha-recitation.

The above explains how it is the function of Amitabha-recitation that it is replete with ultimate, round and sudden benefits, which transcend all of the other 84,000 teachings.

135 門餘大道

善導大師《般舟讚》說:門門不同八萬四 為滅無明果業因,利劍即是彌陀號 ,一聲稱念罪皆除(《聖教集》924頁)



如來出現於五濁 隨宜方便化群萌

或說多聞而得度 或說少解證三明

或教福慧雙除障 或教禪念坐思量

種種法門皆解脫 無過念佛往西方

上盡一形至十念 三念五念佛來迎

直為彌陀弘誓重 致使凡夫念即生(《聖教集》787頁)


Namo Amituofo!

October 21, 2024

Oct. 21, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

The Great Path Apart from Other Teachings

Master Shandao says, “There are 84,000 teachings, each of which is suitable for an individual, and is gradual or sudden.” This means, Shakyamuni Buddha shared as many as 84,000 teachings.

Later, these are described as “doors”, which refer to expedient and real teachings, and gradual and sudden teachings. “Other” means the teachings other than those 84,000; such as the Great Path of rebirth through the other-powered practice of Amitabha-recitation in the Pure Land teaching.

This is because the dogma of rebirth through the other-powered practice of Amitabha-recitation transcends teachings governed by the general principles of cause and effect. It is inconceivable! How can an ordinary being, without severing his afflictions, be reborn in Amitabha Buddha’s highest and most wonderful reward land? Thus, the teaching of rebirth through the other-powered practice of Amitabha-recitation is called the “ Great Path of the Other Teaching”.

135 門餘大道




Namo Amituofo!

October 19, 2024

Oct. 19, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Two - Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
第二部分 有關念佛往生

20. Question: Does an Amitabha-reciter need to uphold the precepts?
Answer: Though precepts are not related to rebirth, an Amitabha-reciter should uphold the precepts; according to his aptitude and capacity, as many as possible.
Upholding precepts has its own respective benefits. It is similar to whether a person’s health makes a difference as far as rebirth is concerned. Of course, we would prefer to be healthy, and not suffer from illnesses. Though health is not related to rebirth, we would like to protect our health, rather than allowing our bodies to be injured or suffering from other illnesses.
It is the same with upholding precepts, which has its own kind of joy and peace. If we are unable to uphold them, we will suffer from the karmic retribution for failing to uphold precepts. Because we fail to uphold the precepts well, we feel ashamed while reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name single-mindedly. This doesn’t mean that an Amitabha-reciter needs not uphold precepts.
In the nine levels of rebirth, the good people on the first six levels, who uphold the precepts well, can be reborn through Amitabha-recitation; while those bad persons on the last three levels, who cannot uphold the precepts well, can also be reborn through Amitabha-recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

October 20, 2024

Oct. 20, 2024
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

The Passage on Dissemination in the Infinite Life Sutra - the Great Benefit of Amitabha-Recitation
The Buddha told Maitreya: “If a person hears that Buddha’s name, rejoices and recites it even once, you should know that this person has received the utmost benefit, which is to possess supreme merit and virtue in full.”
Question: Some people say, “I wonder if simple Amitabha-recitation is splendid? If we mix it with other Buddhist teachings in our practice, the merit and virtues attained must be much greater.” Is this correct?
Answer: By reciting Namo Amituofo, we instantly attain Amitabha’s merit and virtues in the reward ground (fruit) upon reciting it. All other practices are teachings in the causal ground, so (1) their merit and virtues are limited, and
(2)those merits and virtues are attained only at the time of the completion of their cultivation. In other words, Amitabha-recitation + Amitabha-recitation > Amitabha-recitation + other practices.

04.1 問:有人說,「光念佛有什麼殊勝?兼修其他法門功德更大」,是這樣嗎?

Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

October 18, 2024

Oct. 18, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

Though we are ordinary beings,
We have great blessings and great wisdom, if we believe and accept Amitabha’s deliverance.
We have great virtuous roots, merits and virtues, if we exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name.
We have great compassion and great vow power, if we propagate the Pure Land teaching.


Namo Amituofo!

October 17, 2024

Oct. 17, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

When seeing the dew at the tip of the grass at dawn, think of our feeble and fragile bodies.
When viewing smoke in the sky at dusk, understand the dreamlike impermanence of worldly matters.


Namo Amituofo!

October 16, 2024

Oct. 16, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

13. Metaphor of a House – Amitabha’s Name Houses Myriad Merits

For example, the term “house” implies something made of pillars, rafters, and other structures, and is considered complete with the necessary furniture inside.

Conversely, the words pillars and rafters cannot be thought of as a house. We should understand the difference.

The word ‘house’ is a general term denoting a structure that comprises many parts: the beams, poles, rafters, columns, doors, windows etc., and contains furniture such as wardrobes and cabinets.

Amitabha’s Name, like a house, possesses everything we need - countless merits and virtues. It is complete and whole - perfect in itself. Apart from Amitabha-recitation, all other practices only contain part of the myriad virtuous and meritorious deeds. They are not complete and perfect in themselves. Hence, the metaphors of rafters and poles etc.

We learn from this approach that the merits and virtues of Amitabha-recitation surpass those of all other Dharma paths. Therefore, we should recite the name of Amitabha exclusively and continuously and forgo other practices.

13、屋舍喻:名號總攝萬德 (續)




Namo Amituofo!

October 15, 2024

Oct. 15, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

13. Metaphor of a House – Amitabha’s Name Houses Myriad Merits

The myriad merits and virtues which Amitabha Buddha accumulated, through cultivation while in his causal ground, and his attainment of Buddhahood, are all contained in the six-character Name [Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo].

That’s why it is said that the Name is where the Buddha’s myriad virtues dwell. It is the crystallization of Amitabha’s merits and its value is beyond comparison. It gives Amitabha reciters countless blessings and turns them into beings with the most virtuous roots.

Here’s what the Infinite Life Sutra has to say: “By practicing a multitude of virtues, Bhikkhu Dharmakara enabled all sentient beings to partake of them.” I [Bhikkhu Dharmakara] will open the Dharma-store for the multitudes and endow them all with treasures of merit. Those who hear and rejoice in the Name of Amitabha Buddha, receive unsurpassed merits and virtues.”

These quotes mean that, while still Bhikkhu Dharmakara in his causal ground, Amitabha Buddha, cultivated a multitude of virtues (including the Paramitas) over countless eons. He then stored these immeasurable merits in his six-character Name and generously shared them with both ordinary and iniquitous beings of the ten directions.

Briefly, the myriad merits and virtues within Amitabha’s Name encompass those of Buddhas in the ten directions and the three time periods. These merits and virtues are inconceivable, boundless, and numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges River.

This is because Amitabha’s Name completely contains achievements equal to those of all other Buddhas. These merits were accumulated in both the causal ground and during his attainment of Buddhahood. This includes the insights they have realized, the paranormal abilities they have gained, with direct and circumstantial karmic rewards that benefit sentient beings. All such achievements have been included without omission in Amitabha’s Name!

In conclusion, the six-character Name constitutes the most virtuous and unsurpassed Dharma path. This is why the merits and virtues gained by Amitabha-recitation are extraordinary and rare.

However, the situation isn’t the same with any of the other paths of practice, which “occupy only a small corner of the whole wide world.” The merits and virtues of any of these practices are fragmented and incomplete. There are no other practices that can compare with Amitabha-recitation.

13. 屋舍喻:名號總攝萬德

阿彌陀佛在因地的時候所修行,以及果上 — 也就是成佛的時候,所具足的一切功德,通通涵攝在六字名號之中,因此名號具足阿彌陀佛因位、果地的萬德,所以說為「萬德之所歸」。也就是:六字名號是萬德的結晶,有絕對性的價值,使稱念者擁有阿彌陀佛無邊勝德,具足大善根、大福德。

如《無量壽經》說:「令諸眾生,功德成就」「為眾開法藏,廣施功德寶。」又說:「具足無上功德」,意即阿彌陀佛在因位之時,代替一切善惡眾生、經過兆載永劫的時間廣修萬行,以及所有波羅蜜之行門,而將這些功德統統容納在六字名號,同時將這六字名號布施給我們十方善惡眾生,因此,名號具足十方三世一切諸佛的萬行、萬善、萬德。可說,因位果德、內證外用、依報正報 等等,恆河沙數無量無邊不可思議功德,無一遺漏地融攝在名號之中!所以,這句名號成為極善無上殊勝之法,故:稱名念佛功德最為殊勝。


Namo Amituofo!

October 14, 2024

Oct. 14, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

134. Expedient and Real (continued)

Comparing the 19th Vow to the 18th Vow - the 19th Vow is unreal (an expedient teaching), and the 18th Vow is real ( a real teaching).

Thus, in the Pure Land teaching, Amitabha-recitation in accord with the Fundamental Vow is: simple, easy, stable, secure, extremely splendid, round, and spontaneous.

The Commentary on the Treatise on Rebirth says, “It is the supreme instruction of the Mahayana, like a leeward vessel that never retreats.”

The Concise Interpretation of Amitabha also says, “It is foremost in expediency among all kinds of expedient teachings. It has an unsurpassed ultimate meaning among all ultimate meanings. By far the most round and sudden teaching among all others in the same category.

134 方便與真實 ( 續)




Namo Amituofo!

Monday, October 14, 2024

October 13, 2024

Oct. 13, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

134. Expedient and Real (continued)

When comparing the Huayen and Fahua teachings to the 19th Vow, the Huayen and Fahua are unreal, and the 19th Vow in the Great Sutra is real. Why?

It is because the benefit of reading the Huayen and Fahua is rebirth in the Land of Bliss. (the profundity of Huayen is returning to the Land of Bliss, like Bodhisattva Samantabhadra), and the wonder of Fahua is rebirth through manifestation within a lotus in the Pure Land). Both of these rely upon the dedication of merits attained through self-powered practices, as said in Amitabha’s 19th Vow.

(to be continued tomorrow)

134 方便與真實 (續)



Namo Amituofo!

October 12, 2024

Oct. 12, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

134 Expedient and Real

Comparing worldly truths to those of the Theravada teaching. When examining Buddhist teachings in this era, comparing worldly truths to the Theravada teaching, the former is unreal and expedient and the latter is real.

When comparing the Theravada teachings to the Mahayana teachings, the Theravada are unreal, while the expedient teachings of the Mahayana are real.

Comparing the expedient teachings of the Mahayana to the real teachings of the Mahayana, the expedient teachings are unreal, while the real teachings of the Mahayana (such as Huayen and Tientai), are real.

(to be continued tomorrow)

134 方便與真實*




Namo Amituofo!

October 11, 2024

Oct. 11, 2024
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

03. The Verse about the Accomplishment of the 18th Vow (continued)

03.2 Question: Literally, the 18th Vow mentions “aspiration”, but not faith and practice. However, shouldn’t the description of the 18th Vow include the meaning of faith, aspiration and practice?

Answer: “Because of the power of the Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, any one who wishes to be reborn upon hearing the Name” - mentions the state of the mind; but, not the form of upholding practice. However, faith, aspiration and practice are one entity. Thus, those who have faith must commence the practice. For simplicity, it does not mention practice in this case.

03.《無量壽經》 第十八願成就偈 (續)

03.2 問:第十八願從字面上看只說到了願,沒有說到信和行,對第十八願的意表述,信願行必須缺一不可嗎?


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

October 8, 2024

Oct. 8, 2024
Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

Life cannot survive without reliance.
Amitabha is the one we can rely upon forever.
People cannot live without a country.
The Land of Bliss is our ultimate homeland.


Namo Amituofo!

October 10, 2024

Oct. 10, 2024
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

03 The Verse about the Accomplishment of the 18th Vow

By the power of that Buddha’s Fundamental Vow,

Those who hear his Name and wish to be reborn,

ill all reach his land,

And naturally attain the state of non-retrogression.

03.1 Question: How should we practice in order to easily attain the state of non-retrogression?

Answer: Those who hear Amitabha’s Name and exclusively recite it, “will all reach his land, and naturally attain the state of non-retrogression”.

In Nagarjuna’s Chapter on the Easy Practice he also says, “If a person wishes to reach the state of non-retrogression quickly, he should reverently uphold the recitation of Amitabha’s Name.”

The Collection on Joy and Peace says, “Referring to the sacred teachings as evidence, the Pure Land Treatise says, “All ordinary and heavenly beings who are reborn in that land will be the same as a Bodhisattva of Pure Mind. A Bodhisattva of Pure Mind is the same as a well grounded Bodhisattva , as they will both ultimately attain the perseverance of stillness and the state of non-retrogression.”

(to be continued tomorrow)

03.《無量壽經》 第十八願成就偈


03.1 問:怎樣修行易得不退轉?




Namo Amituofo!

October 9, 2024

Oct. 9, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Two - Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
第二部分 有關念佛往生

Question: If I cannot live according to the precepts, can I be reborn?
Answer: Certainly! Please refer to Page 135 regarding the accounts of Master Lin Ke.
Referring to the passage on rebirth for those at the lowest level in the middle tier or below:”even if they have not taken the precepts , or break the precepts and commit offenses, they can still be reborn near the end-of-life.”
When cultivating, it is generally required to practice the precepts, meditation, and wisdom diligently; in order to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion. Abiding by precepts is fundamental. If a practitioner fails to hold the pure precepts, he cannot attain any benefits in the human and celestial realms, not to mention the benefit of full emancipation and becoming a Buddha.
As these requirements are high, very few people are capable of accomplishing them. That is why the Buddha introduced the teaching of Amitabha-recitation. The teaching of Amitabha-recitation is - exclusively reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha, and having faith in his power. Rebirth requires faith, aspiration, and exclusive Amitabha-recitation. It has nothing to do with precepts, meditation, or wisdom.
It is like sailing on a boat. One relies on the power of the boat, our arrival at our destination has nothing to do with our swimming skills. As long as we are on board, we can be transported across the river. It is the same with reciting Amitabha’s Name. By merely reciting Amitabha’s Name, we can all be reborn with recourse to Amitabha’s vow power. It doesn’t require any precepts, meditation, or wisdom. Thus, it is a special teaching of the greatest kindness and compassion.


Namo Amituofo!

October 7, 2024

Oct. 7, 2024
Short Dharma Teaching Regarding Impermanence

Neither a wife, treasures, nor a throne,
Can be taken with us at the end of life.
Only the karma through living according to the precepts and the virtues of giving without attachment
Can be our companions during and after this life.


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024

Oct. 6, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Vast Oceans vs Water Droplets

All water on earth, vast oceans and tiny droplets alike, reflect the image of the moon in the same way. The moon’s image is intact and complete, whatever the size of the body of water.

The same principle applies to sentient beings in their practice of Amitabha-recitation.

Amitabha’s deliverance is compared to a bright full moon in the sky, sentient beings of various aptitudes are like different bodies of water on earth. Bodhisattvas of superior aptitude, who have profound aspirations and wisdom, and are able to endure the difficult practices based on self-power, are like water in an ocean. Those of lesser aptitude, who have fewer aspirations, limited wisdom, and who are unable to cultivate any virtues, are like droplets of water. These ordinary beings include those who, at their lives’ end, belong to the lowest level of the lowest grade of people.

By practicing Amitabha-recitation, both great Bodhisattvas and ordinary beings equally attain all of Amitabha’s merits and virtues. There is no difference in the benefits they derive from the practice. Hence, the saying [by Master Shandao], “Practitioners of the Five Vehicles can all be reborn in the Pure Land ”, with “ the same merits and appearance”.

Although small in size, every drop of water can reflect the moon. Similarly, although possessing lesser intelligence and aptitude, ordinary beings can still receive all of the merits within Amitabha’s Great Name of Myriad Virtues.

12. 大海與微滴




Namo Amituofo!

October 5, 2024

Oct. 5, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

Master Yanluan says, “The Three Domains are characterized by corruption, delusion, contamination, transmigration [in the Six Realms] and endless suffering.”

“These Three Domains resemble a dark house in which unenlightened ordinary beings reincarnate endlessly.”

“The Three Domains all stem from ignorant and flawed activities. Beings there are dreaming during a lengthy sleep and don’t know how to transcend this condition.”

By learning Buddhist teachings, one should see the layer of impermanence in all phenomena, and turn their delusions into clarity. However, if one has no power to practice the Buddha Way and leave the Three Domains, our lives will be lived in vain. “Since time immemorial, we have died and been reincarnated, without any causal conditions to leave the cycle of rebirth”.

Our karma is too deep and our bonds are too tight. The purpose of learning Buddhist teachings in this lifetime is rebirth in the Land of Bliss with recourse to the power of Amitabha Buddha’s 18th Vow. In this way, we can sever all of our karmic bonds and enter the realm of unconditioned Dharma Nature.

To return to our Dharma Nature is not difficult, as long as one believes in and accepts Amitabha’s deliverance, exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name, and aspires to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land. That person lives in the naturalness of the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow under all circumstances. He is always embraced by Amitabha’s light and will naturally leave the Six Realms, to be reborn in the Land of Bliss and realize the fruition of the Buddha Nature. This is called “the permanent support of Amitabha Buddha’s power”.

Amitabha Buddha constantly reaches out to sentient beings in the ten directions. Only those who entrust in his Fundamental Vow and exclusively recite his Name will be embraced by Amitabha’s light. If sentient beings can rely on the naturalness of Amitabha’s vow power, they can transcend karmic force, and realize the naturalness of the unconditioned realm. Thus, they can manifest in any form in the ten directions freely without any obstructions.

133 三種自然 (續)






Namo Amituofo!

October 4, 2024

Oct. 4, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

3. The Naturalness of the Unconditioned Realm

The Naturalness of the Unconditioned Realm includes both True Suchness and Dharma Nature.

All conditioned Dharmas are the result of intentional acts and the power of causal conditions. However, the Law of True Suchness and Dharma Nature naturally exist free of these intentional acts. Thus, it is called “ the naturalness of the unconditioned realm”. In the Infinite Life Sutra, Shakyamuni always praises the naturalness of the unconditioned realm in the Land of Bliss:

“ That Buddha-land is like the realm of unconditioned Nirvana”.

“The ground in that Buddha-land is naturally composed of seven jewels”.

“Not even the names of the three realms of suffering are heard there, but only Nirvanic sounds of bliss”.

“Those who abide there are of noble and majestic countenance, unequaled in all the worlds. Their appearance is superb, unmatched by any other beings, heavenly or human. They are all endowed with bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity."

Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity refer to the wonderful law of True Suchness and Dharma Nature. “Upon arrival in the world of the Lotus Treasure Store, one will realize the Body of Dharma Nature and True Suchness.

In the “Praise of Dharma Practice”, it says, “ follow the Buddha freely and return to naturalness. Amitabha’s Land is Pure Naturalness. We return to reality instantly, in the state of no-outflow and no-birth.”

It also says, “The Land of Bliss is an unconditioned realm.” The Land of Bliss is a realm of Nirvana with unconditioned naturalness. It is aligned with the wonderful law of True Suchness and Dharma Nature. All phenomena are naturally manifested without the need for intentional acts. They are naturally enlightened, realize Nirvana, and attain ultimate happiness without

any suffering.

Looking back, sentient beings in the Three Domains are formed by common karma, which opposes True Suchness and Dharma Nature. Every single thought of a sentient being represents one cycle of birth-and-death, and the land and environment are ever changing and impermanent.

From the point of view of the Buddha, one should not rely on or become attached to the forms produced by impermanent causal conditions. However, sentient beings cannot perceive what the Buddha perceives as reality. Thus, people act with greed and attachment, and are dragged by karmic force to reincarnate within the Six Realms, and to suffer retribution in vain.

133 三種自然 (續)






《法事讚》卷下說: 從佛逍遙歸自然。自然即是彌陀國。無漏無生還即真。

又說: 極樂無為涅槃界。極樂世界是「無為自然的涅槃境界」,與真如法性的妙理一致,所有萬物是自然顯現,不經過造作。眾生一旦往生,即契入法性,不必假藉造作修為,自然證悟涅槃,究竟離苦得樂。



Namo Amituofo!

October 3, 2024

Oct. 3, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

In the Rite of Praise of Rebirth, Master Shandao quotes the 18th vow, “If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who wish to be reborn in my land, rely on the power of my Vow, and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.

Today Amitabha is before us, having achieved Buddhahood. We should know that his Fundamental Vow has been unequivocally fulfilled. If sentient beings recite his Name, they will certainly be reborn in the Land of Bliss.”

This means that, if Amitabha has become a Buddha, he is capable of delivering sentient beings who aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss by exclusively reciting “Namo Amituofo”; even if they recite ten times near the end-of-life, they will naturally be reborn with recourse to Amitabha’s great Fundamental Vow.

'Namo' means to take refuge in, which is “faith”, and to dedicate one’s merit towards rebirth is “aspiration”. Reciting 'Amitabha Buddha' is the practice. Thus, it can be said that faith, aspiration and practice are replete within the great six-character Name. So, if sentient beings exclusively recite Namo Amituofo, they are fully assured of rebirth through reliance on the power of Amitabha’s 18th Vow.

(to be continued tomorrow)

133 三種自然 (續)






「南無」本身就是歸命,也就是「信」;「發願迴向」就是「願」;「言『阿彌陀佛』者, 即是其行」,就是「行」。可說這六字名號裡面,信、願、行統統具足,所以眾生稱念「南無阿彌陀佛」,就必定能仰賴佛的願力自然往生。

Namo Amituofo!

October 2, 2024

Oct. 2, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

Those who believe in and accept Amitabha’s deliverance will be naturally transported by Amitabha’s vow power, and assured of rebirth in his Pure Land. Thus, those who believe in “other-power” do not rely on “self-power”, as they feel they have no power. They have no choice but to rely on Amitabha’s vow power.

The power generated by exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name naturally enables the reciter to be reborn and to become a Buddha. This is called “ the naturalness of becoming a Buddha through Buddha-recitation.” As long as we comply with Amitabha’s vow, we will naturally receive his vow power and be reborn in the Land of Bliss.

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva says, “Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow is this way - if anyone invokes me, recites my Name, and takes refuge in me, he will instantly enter the state of assurance [non-retrogression], and subsequently attain the highest perfect enlightenment. Thus, one should always be mindful of him.”

If sentient beings in the ten directions can believe in and accept Amitabha's deliverance, aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, they will enter the state of non-retrogression in this lifetime, through the naturalness of Amitabha’s vow power.

The naturalness of Amitabha’s vow power guarantees the assured rebirth of sentient beings in this lifetime. Exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name is the method to be used by sentient beings to rely on the naturalness of the vow power.

(to be continued tomorrow)

133 三種自然 (續)






Namo Amituofo!

October 1, 2024

Oct. 1, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

2. The Naturalness of vow power

It refers to Amitabha’s power, expressed in his Fundamental Vow. Amitabha Buddha took 5 eons to formulate and make his 48 great vows. He further took countless eons to accumulate merits and virtues through the Bodhisattva practices that power his 48 vows.

Among them, the 18th Vow is the fundamental one. It says, “ if sentient beings recite this Name even ten times and fail to attain rebirth, I will not attain perfect Enlightenment.” This is the agreement between Amitabha Buddha and sentient beings.

Sentient beings who accept Amitabha’s offer and recite his Name “even ten times,” will attain assured rebirth with recourse to Amitabha’s vow power. Amitabha dedicated his attainment of perfect Enlightenment to Amitabha-reciters’ assured rebirth. He is now a Buddha who lives up to the promise he made in his18th Fundamental Vow. Amitabha has accomplished all that is necessary to deliver us to his Pure Land.

The 18th Vow is the source of Amitabha’s power, merits, and virtues; that benefits himself by benefiting others. As Amitabha becomes a Buddha, all sentient beings in the ten directions, including: sacred and ordinary, good and evil, wise and foolish, benevolent and unworthy ones, can be naturally reborn in the Land of Bliss with recourse to the Power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow.

The Infinite Life Sutra says, “By the power of that Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, those who hear his Name and wish to be reborn will All reach his land, and naturally attain the state of non-retrogression.”

This verse regarding the Fundamental Vow was specially selected by Shakyamuni Buddha. It indicates that the merits and virtues that are the source of Amitabha Buddha’s power are stored in his 18th Vow.

Because of the power of Amitabha’s 18th Vow, any sentient being who hears his Name (“Namo Amituofo”), aspires to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and exclusively recites “Namo Amituofo”will attain assured rebirth, and infinitely dwell in the state of non-retrogression.

The Infinite Life Sutra says, “The Pure Land teaching does not go against [our will] and can be attained as a natural process.”

(to be continued tomorrow)

133 三種自然 (續)








Namo Amituofo!