Sunday, October 6, 2024

October 3, 2024

Oct. 3, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

In the Rite of Praise of Rebirth, Master Shandao quotes the 18th vow, “If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who wish to be reborn in my land, rely on the power of my Vow, and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.

Today Amitabha is before us, having achieved Buddhahood. We should know that his Fundamental Vow has been unequivocally fulfilled. If sentient beings recite his Name, they will certainly be reborn in the Land of Bliss.”

This means that, if Amitabha has become a Buddha, he is capable of delivering sentient beings who aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss by exclusively reciting “Namo Amituofo”; even if they recite ten times near the end-of-life, they will naturally be reborn with recourse to Amitabha’s great Fundamental Vow.

'Namo' means to take refuge in, which is “faith”, and to dedicate one’s merit towards rebirth is “aspiration”. Reciting 'Amitabha Buddha' is the practice. Thus, it can be said that faith, aspiration and practice are replete within the great six-character Name. So, if sentient beings exclusively recite Namo Amituofo, they are fully assured of rebirth through reliance on the power of Amitabha’s 18th Vow.

(to be continued tomorrow)

133 三種自然 (續)






「南無」本身就是歸命,也就是「信」;「發願迴向」就是「願」;「言『阿彌陀佛』者, 即是其行」,就是「行」。可說這六字名號裡面,信、願、行統統具足,所以眾生稱念「南無阿彌陀佛」,就必定能仰賴佛的願力自然往生。

Namo Amituofo!